Friday, August 2, 2013

August 5th Fundamentals Class

"Courage is the discovery that you may not win...and trying when you know you can lose"  Tom Krause


31 July 13
A) Weighted Pull-ups 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

B) For Time:
     2 Rounds of:
     20 Back Squats (BW)
     800m Run

1 August 13
A) 15 Min to work on skill work
     (L-Sit, HSPU, Kipping PU, T2B, Pistols, etc)

B)  5 Rounds for time of:
      - 20 Dead lifts (135/95)
      - 20 HR Push Ups
      - 10 Dead lifts (135/95)
      - 10 HR Push Ups

August 5th Fundamentals Class

Its time!!!  So excited to be teaching all these new members about CrossFit.  Remember, class starts at 7:00pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  It will last one hour.  If you can, show up a little early, (6:30 or so) so you can see what the 6:00pm class is doing.  I have water and small if there is anything else you feel like you will need, then bring it along.  If you haven't paid for the class yet, be prepared to get that out of the way.  Clothing:  simple gym clothes are fine.  Running style shoes are ok...DONT go purchase new shoes just for this class....unless they are Reebok Nano's.  I will explain that more when we meet.  The class will be roughly 25% academic and 75% hands on. 

See ya soon  (D Mac)

1 Aug 13

31 July 13


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