George E. Allen
Yesterdays WOD:
A) 15 Minutes to work on "3" skill moves.
2 of the 3 will be Wall walks and kipping progressions.
B) "Angie"
Perform the following for time:
100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats
What is Paleo?
First of all, Paleo is NOT a diet. A diet restricts the quantity of food you intake. Paleo is a LIFESTYLE. Paleo is what you put in your mouth...not really the quantity. Paleo is the healthiest way to eat. A balance of protein, carbohydrates, fats and nuts/seeds. It allows your body to function the way it was meant to function. Be eating ONLY clean foods, you are eliminating processed foods that are filled with chemicals and words that most of us cant pronounce...much less spell.
All of these refined foods, trans-fats and SUGAR are at the core of many...many increasingly popular diseases we face today...obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, depression, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc, etc, etc. All of these have steadily increased since the agricultural revolution and the curve is growing faster and faster.
Is it more expensive to buy a chicken breast with your spinach salad for lunch that the McDonalds value meal??? Yes... yes it is....but how do you put a price on adding 20 plus years to your life? Not just 20 more years...but years of healthy...fulfilled life where you are not living off and machines or out of a wheelchair? I'm not being melodramatic...look around...this stuff is real.
This Sunday, we are starting our first of many Paleo Challenges. This challenge is NOT intended to be "pass or fail". Many of you will have moments of weakness and eat a piece (or two) of little Johnny's birthday cake....and that's OK! When you fall off, get right back on. Every time you stumble...get back up and keep trying. It's not the end of the world.
I have created and Paleo Support Group via Facebook. I am pretty sure I have everyone accounted for. Please let me know if I left any one off.
Here is a great story about Paleo....
Update to Saturdays Party
A few reminders about our Party this Saturday....
- Party starts at 4p....ends at 10p
- Everyone should be bringing a main dish, side dish or desert...we are a family...and this is a family style party.
- Dig Deep will be providing about 2 dozen burgers as my main dish, plastic utensils, paper plates, napkins, tables and some chairs.
- You might want to bring your own chairs....just in case.
- We will have a jumpy castle for the kids (and adults)
- We will have a couple corn hole games
- We will have water...but if you want anything else, please bring it with you.
- Remember... if you plan on drinking, HAVE A PLAN.
Lastly, we would appreciate anyone that wants to hang around after to help clean the box up. :-)
25 Sep 13
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