Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Headless Horseman Volunteers!!! Barbell for Boobs!!

"Overcome the notion that you must be robs you of the chance to be extraordinary"

Yesterday WOD:
A) 20 Min to accomplish 5 sets of 3 position Snatch (try to get 5# heavier than 12 Sept)
     (floor, mid thigh, high hang)
     (rest 2-3 min)
B)  In 10 min, complete:
      30 Over Head Squats (135/95)
      (in remaiing time, accomplish AMRAP of:)
      - 7 Burpees
      - 7 Pull Ups

Headless Horseman Volunteers

We still need more volunteers to help out with the competition at our box next Saturday!  Also.. I hope everyone comes out to watch and cheer!  The competition will start @ 8:00am...athletes will start arriving at 7:00am.  There is a sign up sheet bfor volunteers by the WOD board.  Come on.... support you box and it's competition. 

We also have room for competitors.  Its a partner male and one female...if you want to compete, just let me know and I will get you a partner. 

Barbell for Boobs!!!

I would LOVE to see 100% of Dig Deep participate in this very important event.  What is this?  Barbells for Boobs is a non-profit organization, that raises money so women who cant afford to get a mammogram can get one.  Early detection of breast cancer is what it's all about.  The originator of the event had a good friend get turned away by the hospital, because she was "too young to get breast cancer @ 24"...she paid for it herself...and she DID have breast cancer. 

If you plan on accomplishing the WOD on October 26th at 10:00, (we plan on it being a partner wod), I want you to log onto and register as a fundraising athlete...then when it asks you if you want to "join a team" "CrossFit Dig Deep" from the drop down menu. 

I have put a sign up sheet on the white board so we can track who all is coming to the wod. 

Barbells For Boobs


Barbells for Boobs is a non-profit organization that provides funding to pay for breast cancer detection services as a last resort for thousands of people who don't qualify for assistance elsewhere.  Our aim is to help anyone that needs it, anywhere, whether they are male or female, no matter what their age or situation in life.

Oct 4th, 2013

Oct 5th, 2013

Oct 7th, 2013

Oct 8th, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Paleo Carbs Talk and Barbell for Boobs


Life takes on new meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner"
Les Brown

Paleo Carbs

I guess I shouldn't have labeled that "Paleo Carbs"...there is no such category really.  Well, not that I know of.  So... many of you are very shocked at how much weight you are losing in the first few days.  From your Coaches perspective, that's not at all surprising.  Let me tell you why. 

As I mentioned yesterday, we (me included) have had sugar, rice, bread (loaves of bread), buns, sandwiches, breakfast rolls, dinner rolls, danish, biscuits, pasta, etc, etc).  All of these carbs were originally intended to be a CHEAP (inexpensive) filler.  We didn't have a middle class...we had the have's and have-not's...and the have not's needed something cheap to fill their rice and bread it was.  However, our bodies are not made to digest the sheer volume of starches and simple carbs we put into get wider. 

Now....during this 50 day challenge, you are not allowed to have those foods, you NEED to replace those simple carbs with complex carbs.  Vegetables!!!!  The formula is simple but it will vary from person to person.  40% Carbs, 30% Protein and 30% healthy fats.  I am willing to bet, most of you are more like... 50-60% protein, 20% Carbs and 20% healthy fats.  You MUST get plenty of vegetables. Your body will burn the protein quickly and you will loose weight quick...but it wont stop. 

Experiment... find the balance that is good for you.  You should be eating vegetables with EVERY some shape or form. a salad as a snack during the day.  You need to replace all those "filler" foods with healthy foods.  EAT! 

Barbell For Boobs!

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dig Deep will be running the "Barbell for Boobs" fundraiser on the 26th of this month.  That is a Saturday.  This is a world-wide CrossFit fundraiser to help raise awareness of and fight breast cancer.  "Save a pair".   I will get the donation page ASAP.

D. Mac

Oct 3rd, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Why do I feel so tired on Paleo?" & Headless Horseman Challange


"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us...but how we react to what happens to us, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life.  A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes.  A catalyst...a spark, that created extraordinary results." 

Yesterdays WOD:
A) 15 min to build a heavy Snatch (full squat)
B) 15 min to build a heavy Clean and Jerk (full squat)
C) 3 sets of front squats (x2)
(The weight of A, B & C should build on each other)

 Why am I so tired on Paleo?

This is a very common side effect for the first 3 days to a week of starting the Paleo diet.  Why?  Because we have trained your body's to live off of SUGAR!!  ....and now we have taken that instant (fattening) energy away.  As I said in the Nutrition's in everything from Ketchup, the processed meats to more obvious things like soda.  The more you lived off of sugar before Paleo, the more your body is dependent on it and the longer it will take to get off it.  As I said, the norm is 3 - 7 days. 

All of these diseases are known to be caused by refined are man made sugars.  obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, depression, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.  All have steadily increased over the last 100 years do to the increased consumption of sugar.  

Headless Horseman Challenge

Headless Horseman is quickly approaching (October 19th) and we need volunteers!!  Please sign up to help out so this event goes as smooth as possible.  The sign up board is in the box by the white-board.  The event will last from 8:00am - about 4:00pm with a break for lunch.  This is a GREAT will totally pump you up watching all the athletes push their limits. 

Oct 1st, 2013

Oct 2nd, 2013