Friday, October 4, 2013

Paleo Carbs Talk and Barbell for Boobs


Life takes on new meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner"
Les Brown

Paleo Carbs

I guess I shouldn't have labeled that "Paleo Carbs"...there is no such category really.  Well, not that I know of.  So... many of you are very shocked at how much weight you are losing in the first few days.  From your Coaches perspective, that's not at all surprising.  Let me tell you why. 

As I mentioned yesterday, we (me included) have had sugar, rice, bread (loaves of bread), buns, sandwiches, breakfast rolls, dinner rolls, danish, biscuits, pasta, etc, etc).  All of these carbs were originally intended to be a CHEAP (inexpensive) filler.  We didn't have a middle class...we had the have's and have-not's...and the have not's needed something cheap to fill their rice and bread it was.  However, our bodies are not made to digest the sheer volume of starches and simple carbs we put into get wider. 

Now....during this 50 day challenge, you are not allowed to have those foods, you NEED to replace those simple carbs with complex carbs.  Vegetables!!!!  The formula is simple but it will vary from person to person.  40% Carbs, 30% Protein and 30% healthy fats.  I am willing to bet, most of you are more like... 50-60% protein, 20% Carbs and 20% healthy fats.  You MUST get plenty of vegetables. Your body will burn the protein quickly and you will loose weight quick...but it wont stop. 

Experiment... find the balance that is good for you.  You should be eating vegetables with EVERY some shape or form. a salad as a snack during the day.  You need to replace all those "filler" foods with healthy foods.  EAT! 

Barbell For Boobs!

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, Dig Deep will be running the "Barbell for Boobs" fundraiser on the 26th of this month.  That is a Saturday.  This is a world-wide CrossFit fundraiser to help raise awareness of and fight breast cancer.  "Save a pair".   I will get the donation page ASAP.

D. Mac

Oct 3rd, 2013

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