Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Credit Cards.... PR & WOD Tracking

"I am building a fire, and everyday when I train, I add more fuel.  At just the right moment, I light the match"    Mia Hamm


27 July 13
3 Rounds for Time:
- 800m Run
- 30 KB Swing (70/53)
- 20 Burpees
- 10 Thrusters (95/75)
(rest 4 min between rounds)

29 July 13
5 Rounds for Time:
- 12 Deadlifts (135/105)
- 9 Hang Power Cleans (135/105)
- 6 Push Jerks (135/105)

30 July 13
Push Press 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1

Base Line:
* 400m Run (500m row if rain)
(rest 1 min)
3 Rounds for time of:
- 40 squats
- 30 sit ups
- 20 hand release push ups
- 10 pull ups
(rest 1 min)
* 400m Run (500m row if rain)

Credit Cards Are Here!!

Did Deep members we are in the 21st Century.  You can now use your CC's to take care of your membership and your purchases. I need everyone that intends to pay by CC ( I hope everyone will go that would make memberships a lot easier on the staff) to go to this link and create a member profile.  The software is called ( Mind Body )  and has been a part of CrossFit Affiliates (that's me) since the early years of CrossFit.  I promise, it's safe and secure or I wouldn't use it. 


1) Click on the "Mind Body" above.  That will take you to our site login
2) One the right side, use the "New To Our Site" and type in your FIRST and LAST name.  (hit NEXT)
3) Input a) contact info, b) login and password & c) add any family members that also attend Dig Deep with you. 
4) When all filled out, hit "CREATE ACCOUNT". 
5) On the next page, In the middle column you will see "BILLING INFORMATION".  Hit "Edit" and input the Credit/Debit Card you want to associate with your membership.  This card will be used to pay your membership, purchase t-shirts, etc, etc.  Anything you buy here at the box.
6) Once the billing info is done and family members (that attend dig deep) are input, you are done with the software.
7) Lastly, send me a text, e-mail, Face Book IM, etc telling me what date to use to set up your auto pay. 

Any questions...please give me a shout. 

PR and WOD Tracking

I was speaking to a member today and realize that they were not tracking their daily WOD's.  Members... This is VERY important!!! Everyone should be tracking the results of their daily WOD's as well as their 3 rep and 1 rep max lift for all the movements.   CrossFit is goals cant know if you are improving if you don't track your results.  There are "WOD books" you can purchase on line from a company called "Sports Journals" or you can download and APP on your smart phone.  I simply use a 2013 pocket size calendar.  What ever works for you...just KEEP TRACK! 

27 July 13

29 July 13

30 July 13

Friday, July 26, 2013

"The question to keep asking is..."Are you spending your time on the right things???...because time is all you have." 


24 July 13
- Weighted Ring Dips 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

   Met Con:
 - 200 Sit ups for time

25 July 13
   - Snatch Balance 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

   3 Rounds for time:
   500 Meter Row
   12 Body weighted deadlifts
   21 Box Jumps (20")

  26 July 13
   5 Attempts for 20 consecutives Double Unders

   Met -Con:
   5 rounds for time:
   10 Handstand Push ups
   50 Double Unders

24 July 13

25 July 13

26 July 13

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hand Taping

" Ability without honor is useless"  Marcus Tullius Cicero

Today WOD:

A) Strength:
     Back Squat: 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

B) Met-Con:
     3 Rounds for time:
     400m Run
     21 Kettle Bells
     12 Pull-ups

Hand Taping

I have seen a few members tearing their hands on bar work lately.  I see chalk being used and the yoga mats, etc....  Lets ask ourselves, why are we tearing?  It's a build up of friction and heat.  So what can you do to stop it?  A couple things. 

1) Watch how you grip the bar.  Don't use your entire hand...only use your fingers.  If you notice in the example, she is only using her fingers as a "hook" around the bar....not her entire palm.  Yes, at first it takes a bit to strengthen your grip...but it will save blisters and tears. 

2)  Proper taping.  Watch this video to learn how to make tape to protect your hands.  You can get the tape at Dicks or any decent sporting goods place.  I also use the tape on my thumbs to help during a lot of "Clean" movements. 

20 July 13

22 July 13

Monday, July 22, 2013

CrossFit Games on ESPN3

"Attitude controls our lives.  Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day...for good...or for bad.  It is up to us to control and harness this great power."   Tom Blandi

Today's WOD:

For Time:
800m Run
30 Power Cleans (155/105)
800m Run
30 Muscle Ups (x2 Ring Dips)

CrossFit Games on ESPN3

Tomorrow (23 July - 25 July) the Masters Athletes (40 and older) will be competing. No laughing, I am in this category...and they are better than I am.  The headlining athletes will start on Friday and run through Sunday.  Again.. all of it will be broadcast on ESPN3.  Not sure if anyone locally can get this on their cable or dish network...but you can get It on your local computer.  You can even HDMI it into your flat screen TV and watch it. 

Sitting Service

I am trying to organize a Day Care service at the box.... More to come on that...but I hope to have it up in August. 

Credit Cards

I purchased some software today that will allow us to use credit cards for membership, and anything we sell at the box.  Give me a few days to get this up and running and I will provide more info.  This WILL be ready by August 1st. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New CrossFit Dig Deep Coaches

" Great achievement is born of great sacrifice...and is never the result of selfishness"  Napoleon Hill

Sorry for being so tardy in posting WOD's...been a little overwhelmed. 

* 18 July 2013
 5 Sets of:
 Front Squats x 4~5 Reps (4.1.2)
 (Rest 2-3 min between sets

 5 Rounds for time of:
 90 sec of max wall balls (20/14)
 Max Pull-ups
 (Rest 3 min) (goal of 150 wall balls and 100 pull-ups)

* 19 July 2013
 5 Sets of:
 Power Snatch + Hang Snatch (2.2.2)
(rest 3 min)

 For Time:
 30 Snatches (135/95)

* 20 July 13
In teams of 2, complete the following for time:
- 100 Pull ups
- 150 Double Unders
- 100 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 150 Double Unders
- 100 Burpees
- 150 Double Unders

New Coaches

- I want to take a minute to announce that Dig Deep will soon have (3) new...and highly skilled CrossFit coaches.  Ashlee Koster, Mike Wray and Chris Owen.  They bring a combined 9 years of CrossFit experience to our box.  They will be headed to their Level 1 Certification class in early September.  So between now and then, expect to see them helping me out to gain some time in front of the members.  It's a little different standing in the front.  :-)  Please... everyone congratulate them when you see them next.  Congratulation guys!! 



Upcoming Competition

There is talk of our next local competition being held at 270 CrossFit in October.  That's gives us ample time to get ready to go have fun.  Be ready....Dig Deep will represent.  Dig Deep will be holding ours after the new year.


I know... I know.  I want them also.  My hands have been tied by not having a KY State Tax ID number.  The tax number arrived Friday so now I can buy the and sell items at our box.  Now, we are cooking with gas. 

(17 July)

(18 July)

(19 July)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

"If your mind tells your body to will stop.  Train your mind and enslave your body to it"

* Todays WOD:

A) 4 Sets of:
     - Deadlifts (5-6 reps)
     - HSPU x max reps
       (Rest 2 min)

B) For Time:
     40 KB Swings (53/35)
     20 Burpees
     30 KB Swings (53/35)
     15 Burpees
     20 KB Swings (53/35)
     10 Burpees
     10 KB Swings (53/35)
       5 Burpees

Mike....getting the buy-out tire flips going. 

 16 July 13

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"The worst thing I can be, is the same as everyone else....I hate that." Arnold Schwarzenegger

* Today's WOD:

A) Four sets of:
     Press + Push Press
     (rest 60 sec)
     Barbell Floor Wipers (5 reps)
     (rest 60 sec)

B) Three rounds for time of:
      12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
      12 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
      30 Double Unders (x2 singles)

Thank you Ashlee Koster!!  Love it!!
5:00... getting busy with floor wipers and push press warm up. 

15 July 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

New WiFi and Day Care

"I hated every minute of training, but I said to myself...'don't quit, suffer now...and live the rest of your life a champion"   Muhammad Ali

* Today's WOD:

A) 5 Sets of:
     Power Clean 1.1.1
     Rest 2-3 min between sets

B) Elizabeth
     21-15-9 rep rounds for time
     Clean (135/95)
     Ring Dips

New WiFi

We have new high speed Wi Fi at the box...the password will be posted on the antenna.  If you need help, just ask.. 

Child Care

We are looking into the viability of bringing child care during certain class periods.  Please send me an e-mail or text and let me know what time you would want if we could make this happen. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Virgin Ropes No More... Box Party... Competition Saturday

"You can have excuses...or you can have results... can't have both!"

* Fridays WOD:

A) GOAT Session
     15 Min to practice any 3 skill movements you prefer...making one of those ring dips.

B)  8 Rounds of:
      - 400m Run
      - Rest 90 seconds between rounds.  Track individual intervals

* Saturdays WOD:

A) Partner banded runs (200M)

B) 7 Rounds for time of:
     10 Deadlifts (225/175)
      2 Rope Climbs (x5 pull-ups as alternate)

Dig Deep Box Party

I am announcing the first ever CrossFit Dig Deep box party on Saturday,September 28th.  This will be a "Non-Paleo" party so we can get to know each other some volleyball, corn hole, etc and relax.  We have a great area both inside and outside to have fun.  Yes, kids are allowed.  Why is this designated as a "non-Paleo" party?  Because the next day we will kick off our "60 Day Paleo Challenge".  This challenge will take us up to Wednesday, November 27th...the day before Thanksgiving.  That way, we can end the challenge successfully and you can have a nice Turkey Day with your families.  Yes... you can bring either Paleo or non-Paleo to this Party. 

We will also create an electronic "Paleo Support Group" on Facebook and add everyone that signs up for the challenge.  The support group will be there to share recipes and pictures of your favorite Paleo meals.  This is a lot of fun and you will have the support of your Dig Deep family to get you through the tough times so you can look great and feel great!   

Lastly, we will have a mid challenge "Paleo Only Party" on Saturday, October we can share some of those great new foods and get ready for the final 4 week push.   More to come. 

Competition Saturday

A friendly reminder about the competition this Saturday at CrossFit Murray.  The comp is for individuals only and they have both an "RX" category and a "scaled" category.  I urge anyone that wants to do this to go have fun.  I will not be entering this one, but I will be there to watch.  I have been in many of these in Hawaii and trust me...regardless if you compete or just go watch, you will have a blast...and leave super motivated!  If you want to participate, let me know. 

Greg, Ashlee, Morgan & Erica do the partner banded runs.  "Pull Greg!!!"

12 July 13

13 July 13

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Front Squats and Push Presses

"It doesn't matter where you finish, only that you finish with integrity and give a solid effort.  Leave the box better than when you walked in.  Head high and be proud....this stuff is hard!!"

* Today's WOD:

A) 5 sets of:
     Front Squats (5.1.2) 4-5 reps
     (Rest 2-3 minutes between sets)

B) For Time:
     100 Push Press (115/75)
      EMOM do 3 Toes too Bar

Early Day

I apologize, but tomorrow (Friday the 12th) needs to have a schedule change.  Due to a death in my extended family, I have a service to attend tomorrow evening.  The box will be closed tomorrow from 9:45am - 11:00am.....and will close for the day at 6:00pm.  I am sorry for and inconvenience. 

5:00 AM Class

I also need to temporarily suspend the 5:00am class.  I hope this will be short term, only until I can bring on another Level 1 coach.  Spending 15 hours there has become difficult.  I hope everyone understands.  This will take effect this coming Monday (July 15th).  The first class of the day will be 6:30am. 

1200 class doing their front squats and push press w/toes to bar

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jump Rope Challange, Fundementals Class Update & Shirts

* Today's WOD:

A) 3 rounds not for time:
      Hand Release Push Ups (8-10 reps)
      Pistols (5 each leg)
      KB snatch's (8-10 each arm)
      Hand Stand Push Up's (8-10 reps)

B) "Sissy Test"
      For Time:
      * (alternating between KB swings and Pull-ups)
      KB Swing 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (53/35)
      Pull-ups  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15  

Jump Rope Challenge

Having a lot of fun with the challenge....interesting we don't have any ladies in the mix yet.  C'mon galls....get in this thing.  So far Brian is in the lead with Singles and Zach is in the lead with Doubles.  Plenty of time left. 

Fundamental's Class Update

Class is almost full... to date we have 10 seats filled...leaving two open.  Below is a list by last name only of who have signed up.  If I miss-spelled or left off a name...please let me know. 
- Looper
- Oliver
- Storm
- Storm
- Daniels
- Delatte
- Scherer
- Leggs
- Turner
- Brame

Dig Deep's First Shirt

I am getting the design down to a final draft and in talks with a local Paducah vendor.  The vendor needs a 2 week lead time to complete the I am hoping to have them by the first of August.  I refuse to use anything less than top of the line "American Apparel" shirts.  The men's shirts will be the traditional crew neck short sleeve and the women will be a nice racer back style. 

Just because I think it's so funny....

Brian stuck in the bathroom....

Yesterday's WOD Board: 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

New Fundemental Class

* Todays WOD:

A) Back Squats:
    Set 1 - 50% of 1RM x 5 reps
    Set 2 - 75% of 1RM x 3 reps
    Set 3 - 85% of 1RM x 1 rep
    Set 4 - 90-95% of 1RM x 1 rep
    Set 5 - 100% of 1RM x 1 rep
    Set 6 - 80% of 1RM to failure

B) In teams of 2, row as many meters as possible in 12 minutes. Set rower for 500m intervals with 20 sec rest between intervals and switch partners every 500m. 

Dig Deep Hold First CrossFit Fundamentals Class

We will be holding our first "CrossFit Fundamentals" class, starting Monday August 5th.  We are providing this class at 50% of the normal rate.  Class will be 3 days per week (M, T & TH) at 7pm for 3 weeks (9 sessions total).  Fundamentals class will be required for all new members with NO CrossFit experience.  The $99 cost will cover the 3 weeks of fundamentals class AND give the students an additional "Unlimited" membership for 5 weeks after graduation...running them through the end of September.  Again, this is 50% off the normal 2 month unlimited membership.  Fundamentals  will cover all the basic movements in CrossFit and provide a perfect base  for seamlessly joining the active classes upon graduation.  Class will be limited to 12 members...and 4 students have already signed up.  Contact me at
or call 270-331-3731. 

NOTHING from McDonalds is Healthy!!!!

Yesterdays WOD Board



Monday, July 8, 2013

Today' WOD - Jump Rope Challange - CrossFit Box Competition

* Todays WOD:

A) 5 sets of mid-thigh snatches at 2.2.2 tempo
     (rest 2 -3 minutes between sets)

B) 3 rounds for time:
     10 Overhead Squats (135/95)
     50 Double Unders (x2 if singles)

* Don't forget to sign up for the jump rope challenge at the box.  Prizes of $25 & $50 gift certificates to Cynthia's.  So far, Greg is leading the singles and Deven is leading the doubles.  You can try to set the bar higher once a day...every day...until July 31's. 

* CrossFit Murray is having a competition at their box on July 20th and have invited CrossFit Paris Landing, Super City CrossFit, 270 CrossFit and Dig Deep.  It's a singles only (no teams) competition with a RX division and a Scaled division.  Cost is $20 and cash prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each division.  I encourage anyone that wants to have A LOT of fun to consider the competition.  It's not the's all about having a good time.  See me for more details. 

D. Mac

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Saturday Hours

We are changing the Saturday hours to 9:00am & 10:00am...with the Intro class running at 11:00am.  The intro classes will most likely run through August.  At that point, we will start scheduling our CrossFit Fundamentals program.  The first class will likely start around September 2nd...depending on membership.  More to come on the fundamentals.

1 July - July 6th WOD Boards

Dig Deep Blog Posting is now up!

Hey Dig Deep members..  I have created this blog so we have a good method of communicating all the things that are happening at your box!!   I will be posting the daily WOD's here (after all classes are done)...motivational quotes...announcements, etc.  I will archive everything on a monthly basis, but you will still have access on the right hand margin. 

I am pretty sure you can hit the (+) sign to the right and receive auto notifications.  We will see how this evolves. 

Just tested the (+) sign on the right... you need a "Google" e-mail account for it to send you updates and for you to make comments on this blog.  I guess that's fair...I am using Google for free to post the info.