Monday, July 15, 2013

New WiFi and Day Care

"I hated every minute of training, but I said to myself...'don't quit, suffer now...and live the rest of your life a champion"   Muhammad Ali

* Today's WOD:

A) 5 Sets of:
     Power Clean 1.1.1
     Rest 2-3 min between sets

B) Elizabeth
     21-15-9 rep rounds for time
     Clean (135/95)
     Ring Dips

New WiFi

We have new high speed Wi Fi at the box...the password will be posted on the antenna.  If you need help, just ask.. 

Child Care

We are looking into the viability of bringing child care during certain class periods.  Please send me an e-mail or text and let me know what time you would want if we could make this happen. 

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