Sunday, November 24, 2013

Donations for Jared Bullock - Thanksgiving Hours

"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature...beautiful old people are works of art" 
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tomorrows WOD:
A) Back Squat
     Set 1 - 5 reps @70% - 75%
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80% - 85%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90% - 95%
     Set 4 - 8  -  3 reps @ 85% - 90%
B) Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes, perform:
     Hang Snatch (x1 rep) @ 75% of 1rm
     * snatch will start at the "above the knee" position*
C) Three sets of the follow for MAX reps:
      - 30 Seconds of pull-ups
      - 30 seconds of rest
      - 30 seconds of Burpees
      - 30 seconds of rest
Donations For Jared Bullock
I want to thank everyone for their donations and for making the trip to Metropolis for the HERO WOD.  If you still want to donate (and I hope everyone will) there will be a bucket on our counter through the rest of this week. 
Patrick Howell (owner of SCCF) said it best..."the military will spare no expense to give Jared the very best medical attention....the family however will receive NOTHING".  No assistance for travel to Germany or Texas to stay with their husband and father...nothing to help pay for the hotels and meals....nothing.  As many of you know, travel gets expensive and there are always the "little" things that you never think of that add up quick.  They need our help...they need him as much as he needs them!! 
Thanksgiving Hours

I have posted this once before...but I made a change and wanted to make it had a special heading on the Blog so everyone is sure to see it.  I did change the hours on the 27th so everyone that has a normal work day can get their WOD in.  We will have the following hours during Thanksgiving time frame:
Wednesday the 27th (Normal Hours)
Thursday the 28th (Closed)
Friday the 29th ( gym only)
Saturday / Sunday  (Normal Hours)

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