Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brookport Donations - Run for Aids - Thanksgiving Food Drive

" Life isn't about FINDING is about CREATING yourself"  George Bernard Shaw

Tomorrows WOD

A) Back Squat…
   Set 1 - 5 reps @ 75% of 1 rm
   Set 2 - 3 reps @ 85% of 1 rm
   Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90% of 1 rm
   Set 4 - 1 rep @ 95% of 1 rm
   Set 5 - 1 rep @ 95-105 of 1 rm
   Set 6 - 3 reps @ 90 @ of 1 rm
   * rest 3 min between sets*
B) EMOM for 20 min complete:
   - 4 Power Snatches (about 60% of 1 rm)
   - 8 KB Swings (70/53)
C) 3 sets, not for time of GHD sit ups

Brookport Donations!!

If anyone would like to give any blankets, cases of water, non-perishable food donations, etc, etc to I understand it, the First Baptist Church in Brookport is the place to take them.  (700 Pell Rd, Brookport)  I know information is still coming in...and I will do my best to keep posting info here on the blog. 

5K "One World Run" (Run for Aids)

Remember everyone...we have a community event coming up this next weekend (Nov 23rd) in Bob Nobel Park.  It would be great if everyone can try to support it.  Registration is at 8am.  You can register on "" or register at the event that morning. 

This is a 2-fold event for us.  1) You can run the race, wear your Dig Deep t-shirt, get a little exercise and show your CrossFit colors....and 2) We will have a tent set up with our CFDD banner.  We will be handing out hot chocolate and answering the "What Is CrossFit" question.  We will have 5x7 cards made up to hand out to everyone...encouraging them to come the next Saturday to our free intro class at the box.  We "might" do a little fun wod there in the park...we will see how the weather holds up.
Come on out and support your box! 

Thanksgiving Food Drive

As most of you know, we have our Thanksgiving Food drive going on.  There are A LOT of homeless and jobless people in our community that need our help.  I am encouraging everyone to bring in a non-perishable food item to donate each time they wod.  Its not a lot to ask to make sure people who are hungry don't go without. 

To encourage this, we are hold a coaches competition.  The coach with the MOST food in their basket is required to work that food off and do 3 burpees for every item collected.  The second place coach has to do 1 burpee for every item collected.  The 3rd and 4th place coach have no such fun. 

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