Monday, December 30, 2013

New Years Eve Classes - New Years Day WOD

"We all have dreams, in order to makes dreams become reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self discipline and effort" -Jesse Owens
New Years Eve Classes
As a reminder, the plan for New Years holidays....
- Dec 31st - We will ONLY have 8:30am and Noon classes.  There will be NO open gym this day. 
- Jan 1st - Opens at 1:00pm  We will have a New Years Day WOD for everyone, then Nick and Dennis will do their Burpees from Hell for the food drive.

Tomorrows WOD

A. Three sets, not for time, of:
     15′ Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
     Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 6-18 reps
     L-Sit x 30 seconds
B. Five sets of:
     Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean
     (Build weight as heavy as possible w/good form)
     Rest as needed
C. Three rounds for time of:
     30 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
     20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14) (10ft/9ft)
     10 Toes to Bar

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Tomorrows WOD

"What you leave behind is not what is engraved on stone monuments...but what is woven into the lives of others"
Tomorrows WOD:
A) Four sets of 3 position Snatch (High Hang, Mid Thigh, Floor) (building as able each set)
     Rest 2 minutes between sets
B) Three sets of:
      Halting Snatch Deadlifts + Snatch Pull (building as able each set)
      Rest as needed
C) Back Squats:
     Set 1 - 5 Reps at 60%
     Set 2 - 3 Reps at 70%
     Set 3 - 2 Reps @ 80%
     Set 4 - 1 Rep @ 90%
     Set 5 - Max Reps @ 80%
     Rest 2 min between sets

Friday, December 27, 2013

Barbell Club is HERE!!!

"Ours lives have NO limitations...except the ones we create -Les Brown

Barbell Club
Here it is...the highly requested and eagerly anticipated....CrossFit Dig Deep Barbell Club!! 
What is Barbell Club (BBC)?  It is a 10 week program that provides a MAXIMUM of 10 Dig Deep athletes the opportunity to enhance their strength, skill and knowledge on 2 Olympic lifts (Clean and Jerk and Snatch).  This will be accomplished through an intense curriculum of technical drills, accessory work AND homework.  You can not advance in your lifts without doing EXTRA work.  BBC will meet every Sunday (January 19th - March 23rd) from 11:00am - 1:00pm. 
Athletes will be placed in either the "Beginner" or "Performance" categories and will complete the work specifically assigned for that area.  
BBC pricing is based on a sliding scale...please make checks payable to Mike Wray
- Unlimited Members - $50 for the 10 weeks
- 3x/week members - $60 for 10 weeks
- 2x/week Members - $70 for 10 weeks
If you are interested in attending BBC, be one of the first 10 athletes to e-mail Dennis @  Subject line "BBC"
Tomorrows WOD:
A) Three sets not for time of:
     Chest to bar pull-ups (10 -12 reps)
     Double Unders (30-40)
     L-Sit Hold (30-45 sec)
B) In teams of 2, with only one person working at a time, complete:
     1200m Relay w/Wallball (20/ 200m legs)
     50 Hand Release Push Ups (each member)
     100 Kettlebell swings (53/35)
     150 Wall Balls (20/14) (11/10)
     200 Double Unders (x3 singles)
Todays WOD:

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Friends and Family Day - Holliday Reminder - 2014 Group Class Schedule

"Man is a goal seeking animal.  His life only has meaning if he is striving for more."  -Aristotle
Friends and Family Day

This Saturday is "Friends and Family" Day. Bring a friend or family member for a free introductory WOD at 11:00am. Show them what CrossFit is and how they can get in shape and change their lives!  No need to sign up...just show up for the WOD at 11:00.

Holliday Hours Reminder
Just a heads up on what the plan is for New Years. 
- Dec 31st - We will ONLY have 8:30am and Noon classes.  There will be NO open gym this day.  I will be moving into my new place and kind of busy.  :-) 
- Jan 1st - Opens at 1:00pm  We will have a New Years Day WOD for everyone, then Nick and Dennis will do their Burpees from Hell for the food drive. 

2014 Group Class Schedule

We will be changing our class schedule for 2014.  The following is the list of classes offered.

Monday - Friday
6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, (CLOSED from 1:00-3:00) 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm
Monday and Wednesday ONLY
9:00am & 10:00am
1:00pm - 4:00pm (Open Gym for all members)

Tomorrows WOD:

A) 20 Minutes to warm up
B) Body Weight challenge.  Athlete will use a weight as close to body weight as possible. 
   10 Deadlifts
   10 Hang Power Cleans
   10 Jerks (push or split)
   10 Front Squat
    9 Deadlifts
    9 Hang Power Cleans
    9 Jerks
    9 Front Squat
    (30 Min time cap)



Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Nutrition Seminar - Box Clean Up

"Practice does NOT make perfect...perfect practice makes perfect" -Vince Lombardi

Nutrition Seminar

I have had a lot of request for this, so we will hold it again on Sun January 19th at 1:00pm at the box.  PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE CLIP BOARD.

This seminar is free and open to all members who want to know how to both live a healthier lifestyle AND shrink their waste-line.  It's NOT a's a lifestyle that will let you sleep better, have more energy, drop the fat and gain the muscle.... everything our bodies were meant to do.

The Saturday following the seminar, we will start our next 50 Day Paleo Challenge.  The challenge will run from January 25th - March 15th. 

If you will be participating in this challenge, please sign up on the clip board at the box.  I realize I have not gotten you your t-shirts from the first challenge...too many shiny things are getting me distracted.  I'm sorry...but I will get those completed.  I promise!!

Rig Moving and Box Cleanup

Sunday, Dec 29th we have a "Box Activity" and we need at least a dozen folks...if not help. The box will not be open for Open Gym that day...instead, we will clean 100% of the box. 

We were previously going to relocate the rig...but have decided to postpone that until spring/summer and spend that $$$ on rowers so we can get a better cardio workout. 

The coaches and I cant do this alone...we NEED everyone's help.  We will supply all the cleaning just supply the elbow grease.  Come as much as little as possible.  Any help you can provide is appreciated. 

Tomorrows WOD:

A) 10 Min to Warm Up
B)  Complete 4 sets of Front Rack Reverse Lunges (find a heavy but manageable weight)
     8-10 on each leg at a tempo of 10X1 (1 second down, 0 second pause at the bottom, X=explode to the top, 1 sec rest at the top)
     90 seconds rest...then
     weighted Pull ups (4-6 reps) (explode to the top...slow on the way down.  Ensure full arm extension)
C)  For time:
     40 Wall Balls (20/14)
     20 Pull Ups
     35 Wall Balls
     15 Pull ups
     30 Wall Balls
     10 Pull Ups
     25 Wall Balls
     5 Pull Ups

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hoplliday Hours - New Funamentals Class

"Perfection is the enemy of greatness"

Holliday Hours
Just a heads up on what the plan is for the days leading up to and after Christmas and New Years. 
- Dec 24th open until 1pm
- Dec 25th - CLOSED  "Merry Christmas!!!"
- Dec 31st - open until 1pm
- Jan 1st - Opens at 12:00  We will have a New Years Day WOD for everyone, then Nick and Dennis will do their Burpees from Hell for the food drive. 

New Fundamentals Class!!!

Members... please help us get max enrollment for our next fundamentals class starting January 6th...AND...due to the new year we want to offer a special price for everyone that wants to give CrossFit a try.

FOR NEW YEARS ONLY.... Fundamentals will be $99.

Fundamentals is a 5 day course that runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of week 1...and Monday and Tuesday of week 2... from 7:...30 - 8:30pm each night. For any NEW athletes, successful completion of the Fundamentals class is required in order to participate in our regular CrossFit group classes.   Your $99 pays for 2 FULL MONTHS of "UNLIMITED" membership.

Tomorrow WOD

A)  5 Sets of Back Squat:
     Set 1 - 10 Reps @ 70-75%
     Set 2 - 8 Reps @ 75-80%
     Set 3 - 6 Reps @ 80-85%
     Set 4 - 4 Reps @ 85-90%
     Set 5 - 3 Reps @ 90-95%
     rest 2 min between sets
B)   3 Sets of 1000m row (or) 800m run
      rest 4 min between sets
      30 burpee penaltee if you break +/- 5 sec of your fastest set.  (tempo...tempo...tempo)


Friday, December 20, 2013

12 Days of Christmas

Saturday's WOD:

This WOD has a 30 min time cap.  Come early and stretch out on your own.  We will run this in small heats of 4 - 6 athletes. 

12 Days of Christmas

1 - Ring/Bar Muscle Up (x3 ring dips)
2 - Pistol (1 each leg)
3 - Front Squats (95/65)
4 - Sets of 3 sit ups (12 total)
5 - Over Head Squats ( 95/65)
6 - Pull Ups
7 - Cleans (95/65)
8 - Hand Release Push Ups
9 - Thrusters (95/65)
10 - Hand Stand Push Ups
11 - Power Snatch (95/65)
12 - Wall Balls (20/14) (11' / 10')

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas WOD - Rig Moving-Box Clean Up - New Price Structure & Class Times

"The first requirement for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly...without growing weary."  -Thomas Edison

Christmas WOD:

FYI... This Saturday we will be having our Christmas WOD... "The 12 Days Of Christmas".  I hope everyone tries to make it for the fun! 

Rig Moving and Box Cleanup

Sunday, Dec 29th we have a "Box Activity" and we need at least a dozen folks...if not help. The box will not be open for Open Gym that day...instead, we will clean 100% of the box. 

We were previously going to relocate the rig...but have decided to postpone that until spring/summer and spend that $$$ on rowers so we can get a better cardio workout. 

The coaches and I cant do this alone...we NEED everyone's help.  We will supply all the cleaning just supply the elbow grease.  Come as much as little as possible.  Any help you can provide is appreciated. 

New Prices Structure and Class Time
I am excited that many of our members are taking advantage of the new pricing structure to save money.  I hope more will be able to make it happen.

Starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free.  This is a great opportunity to save $$.   
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership

Class Times:
Effective 1 January....
Monday - Friday will be 5:00am (Mon & Wed only), 6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Mobility....
B) 5 Rounds for time of:
     10 Deadlifts (225/155)
     10 Box Jumps (24/20)
     10 T2B
     (15 Min Time Cap)


Nutrition Seminar - Why Should I Watch What I Eat?

"There are some people who live in a dream world...and there are some who face reality......and then there are those who turn their dreams INTO reality." -Douglas Everett

Nutrition Seminar

I have had a lot of request for this, so we will hold it again on Sun January 19th at 1:00pm at the box.  This seminar is free and open to all members who want to know how to both live a healthier lifestyle AND shrink their waste-line.  It's NOT a's a lifestyle that will let you sleep better, have more energy, drop the fat and gain the muscle.... everything our bodies were meant to do.

The Saturday following the seminar, we will start our next 50 Day Paleo Challenge.  The challenge will run from January 25th - March 15th. 

If you will be participating in this challenge, please sign up on the clip board at the box.  I realize I have not gotten you your t-shirts from the first challenge...too many shiny things are getting me distracted.  I'm sorry...but I will get those completed.  I promise. 

Why Should I watch what I Eat??? 

Here is a video, that I will be showing at the nutritional seminar.  It is about 30 min long...but WELL WORTH the watch. 

Today's WOD:
(sorry for the late post)
A) In 15 minutes, build to a 1RM Push Press
     (rest as needed)
B) Complete 3 Rds of the following for time:
     7 Muscle Ups (x2 Ring Dips)
     21Push Press (75/55)
     35 Sit Ups
C) Buy Out - Row 1000m (damper on 5)

Yesterday's WOD:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tomorrows WOD

Tomorrows WOD:
A) Warm Up
B) 15 min to complete 3 rounds on 3 gymnastics moves:
     - Pistols (4-6 each leg)
     - Handstand Holds (supported or non-supported) (10-15 sec per hold)
     - Turkish Get-Ups (3-6 per arm...using kettle bell)
C) Back Squat:
     Set 1 - 5 reps @ 60% of 1 rm
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 75%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 85%
     Set 4 - 3 reps @ 80%
     Set 5 - 3 reps @ 85%
     Set 6 - 2 reps @ 90%
     Set 7 - 7 reps @ 75%
     Set 8 - 7 reps @ 75%
     Set 9 - 7 reps @ 75%
     Set 10 - 7 reps @ 75%
* Buy Out - 3 rounds of 6-10 GHD Hip Extensions

Monday, December 16, 2013

Nutrition Seminar - Chrsitmas Hours - Lost and Found

"You will bring out the best in yourself, by looking for the best in others" - Gene Bedley

For those that didn't get to see Jake Hayes eat his (4) pieces of pie for time....
Nutrition Seminar is Coming
We will be doing another nutrition seminar in early January.  This seminar will be free and open to all members who want to know how to both live a healthier lifestyle AND shrink their waste-line.  It's NOT a's a lifestyle that will let you sleep better, have more energy, drop the fat and gain the muscle.... everything our bodies were meant to do. 
Holliday Hours
Just a heads up on what the plan is for the days leading up to and after Christmas and New Years. 
- Dec 24th open until 1pm
- Dec 25th - CLOSED  "Merry Christmas!!!"
- Dec 31st - open until 1pm
- Jan 1st - Opens at 12:00  We will have a New Years Day WOD for everyone, then Nick and Dennis will do their Burpees from Hell for the food drive. 

Lost and Found

We have a lot of coats, wrist wraps, jump ropes, etc, etc that are accumulating at the box.  If you think you have left anything behind, check the box by the coat rack please and take your items home.

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Shoulder Press
     In 15 minutes, build up in weight from 3 reps to 1 rep...dump weight and repeat. 
     Set 1 - 3 reps
     Set 2 - 2 reps
     Set 3 - 1 rep
     Set 4 - 3 reps
     Set 5 - 2 reps
     Set 6 - 1 rep 
     (rest 2 minutes between sets)
B) For time:
     50 Chest to bar pullups
     75 Kettle Bell swings (53/35)
     100 Double Unders


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas Party Tonight - Hand Rips and Tears

"Natural abilities are like natural plants...they need pruning by study"  -Francis Bacon

Christmas Party Tonight!

See everyone at Pattie's tonight.  We reserved 40 seats du to the Christmas party sign up sheet...please be there and on time.  Dig Deep pays for any meals that were ordered but not used. 

Hand rips and tears....

Here is a video on how to take care of your hands...before they tear.  Sanding your calluses, etc. 

Hand Maintenance

Here is a video on how to make strip of tape to protect your hands during a high rep pull up or toes to bar wod. 

Hand Taping

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Warm up
B) In teams of 2, complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 3 deadlifts (275/185)
- 6 Hand Release Push Ups
- 9 Regional Style Box Jumps
*rest exactly 5 minutes, then...with the same teams
C) In teams of 2, complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 5 pull-ups
- 10 Burpees

Yesterday WOD:

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ugly Christmas Sweater - Food Drive - GNO Tomorrow

"For those who are willing to make an effort, great miracles and wonderful treasures are in store"
Ugly Christmas Sweater WOD
Don't forget gang... Tomorrow!!
Go out and find your ugliest Christmas sweater and wear it to the box tomorrow!!  Go to the local Salvation Army.... Goodwill.... Grandma... etc and get the ugliest sweater you can find.  We will take a group photo prior to the WOD...and the you will need to do the WOD IN THE sweater.  We will have the door open to promote the sweater.  :-)  See mine below....

Food Drive Drop Off

Took all our food over to the Family Service Society.  They were VERY happy to get it.  Pam and her staff were extremely grateful....even helped me lug all 8 FULL plastic totes and 9 cases of veggies inside.  I must say, it made me soooo proud to pull up to the FSS...walk in and say "I am from CrossFit Dig Deep and we are donating food"  It was a great feeling.  Thanks to everyone that took the time to bring in their non-perishable foods. 

GNO Tomorrow
Ok... we have a plan.  See below for a time line. 
- 4:30  Start gathering at the box for Casey Looper to primp your hair and makeup as you want 
- 5:45  Jump in the vans and carpool to Glisson winery
- 7:00  Be at Tribeca to eat. 
- 8:00 - 8:30 until...... who knows....

Tomorrows WOD:
In teams of 3 complete the following for time:
- 75 Handstand Pushups
- 75 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 75 Front Squat (155/105)
- 75 Kettle bells (70/53)
* every 3 minutes, the team must stop and complete 5 burpees each*
* only one barbell and one kettle bell per team*
* teams CAN work on 3 different items at once*

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Girls Night...LAST CALL!! - Hoodies For Sale

"Being defeated is a temporary up, however, is what makes it permanent"
Girls Night Out... LAST call! 
We have had a great response to GNO...but we need to cap the night of fun at 16 women.  This way, we don't overwhelm any place we go to...looking like a tour group that just rolled up from a bus.  lol 
To date, the following ladies ARE going.  If this has changed and you cannot attend, please let me or Coach Ashlee know!!  At Friday midnight, we will no longer accept any "can I please join?"
Also... If you DO NOT plan on riding in one of the car pool vans to the winery, diner, etc.... PLEASE let us know now!  We are trying to work out all the logistics of 1) wine reservations, 2) dinner reservations, 3) van seating for all. 
(Van 1)
1) Casey L
2) Cari H
3) Steph L
4) Morgan B
5) Lesley S
6) Samantha W
(Van 2)
7) Ashlee K
8) Melissa L
9) Heather Carr
10) Casey S
11) Brandy K
Jacob H
Eric L
Dennis M
Hoodies, T-Shirts and Jump Ropes for Sale
We have a few Hoodies left for sale.  They would make a great Christmas gift!  All the feedback I am getting says that they are SUPER soft and SUPER warm!! I am out of "small"...but I have ordered them.  Not sure if the new smalls will make it in time for Christmas or not. 
Tomorrows WOD:
A) 15 min to accomplish 6 sets of Power Clean + Clean
     Rest as needed
B) Front Squat
     Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70%
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90%
     Set 4 - max reps @ 80%
C) 3 Rounds for time of:
     30 KB Snatches (15 each arm) (53/35)
     25 Wall Balls (20/14)


Ugly Christmas Sweater

"If you wait to do everything until you know it's right; you will never do much of anything"
Ugly Christmas Sweater WOD
Don't forget gang... This Saturday!!!
Go out and find your ugliest Christmas sweater and wear it to the box on Saturday, Dec 14th.  Go to the local Salvation Army.... Goodwill.... Grandma... etc and get the ugliest sweater you can find.  We will take a group photo prior to the WOD...and the you will need to do the WOD IN THE sweater.  We will have the door open to promote the sweater.  :-)

Todays WOD

A) Warm Up
B) Complete 6 sets of the following from the rig, building as you go:
     Snatch Jerk + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squats
C) Complete the following for time:
     3 Muscle ups (9 rings dips)
     15 Overhead Squats (135/95)
     20 Handstand Push Ups
     30 Wall Ball (20/14)
     40 Pull ups
     30 Wall Balls (20/14)
     20 HSPU
     15 Overhead Squats (135/95)
     3 Muscle ups (9 rings dips)

Yesterdays WOD

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Girls Night Out Reminder - New Price Structure and Class Times - Christmas Party

"The safest principle in life: instead of reforming others, set about perfecting yourself" -B R Haydon
Girls Night Out Reminder
Remember, the "GNO" get together that was scheduled for the past Saturday, we moved to this coming Saturday.  Ashlee will be contacting everyone that originally reserved a spot, to ensure they are going this week.  The early evening schedule is as follows:
- 4:30 meeting at the box @ 4:30pm to primp and get hair and makeup done by Casey Looper. 
- 5:45 leave the box via van pool and go to Glisson's winery down town. 
- 7:00 we have dinner reservations at Martin Fierro
- After dinner....there is no telling where we will go.  At some point, we will end up back at the box.  Everyone needs to have a plan to sleep at the box or call for a ride home.  NO ONE will be driving after drinking!!

New Prices Structure and Class Time
No... we are not raising our we expand and grow into the BEST CF box in a 250 mile radius, I see that as a necessary evil.  For now...starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free.  This is a great opportunity to save $$.   
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership

Class Times:
Effective 1 January....
Monday - Friday will be 6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm

Christmas Party Reminder!!

Remember...our box party is this Sunday!!  I hope everyone is getting excited!  Our reservations are for 7:30pm on the "Bills" side....and the below members are a part of that reservation.

D. Mac (1)
Katie H (1)
Casey L (1)
Holly T (1)
Leighn Ann G (1)
Heather (1)
Morgan B (1)
Ashlee J (2)
Casey S (5)
Danni (1)
Kelly L ((1)
Jacob W (1)
Melissa L (2)
Marissa O (1)
Brandy K (2)
Jacob H (1)
Greg P (4)
Ashlee K (4)
Stephanie L (3)
Jason B (2

We have (4) open seats left if anyone would like to fill those.  Please let me know ASAP.  First come...  D. Mac

Tomorrow's WOD:

A)  Max reps in 1 set of each of:
      - Strict handstand push ups (RX, AB mat or box)
      - Weighted Pull Up (weighted belt, no belt or band) (no kipping) (underhand or overhand)
      - 60 Seconds of Double Unders
B)  6 sets of:
      Power Clean + Push Jerk
C)  3 Sets for time of:
      15 burpees over pirolette
      100 double Unders (x2 singles)
       (rest 2 minutes)

Today's WOD:


Holliday Hours - New Fundamentals Classes - Rig Moveing/Box Cleanup

"We all need to be more aware of what others are doing around us, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits.  When we ALL help one another, we ALL win."  -Jim Stovall
Holliday Hours
Just a heads up on what the plan is for the days leading up to and after Christmas and New Years. 
- Dec 24th open until 3pm
- Dec 25th - CLOSED  "Merry Christmas!!!"
- Dec 31st - open until 3pm
- Jan 1st - Opens at 12:00 for our 2014 New Years WOD and Burpees by Nick and Dennis
New Fundamentals Class
Our next Fundamentals Class will start on January 6th.  What else is January well know for?  New Years resolutions!  To help everyone out, we will be cutting the price of fundies to $99 and hopefully be able to schedule multiple classes during January.  More to come....but be sure and tell your friends about the special for January ONLY!! 

Also, we have gift certificates available.  GREAT stocking stuffers!! 

Rig Moving and Box Cleanup (sign up sheet on the board)

Sunday, Dec 29th we have a "Box Activity" and we need at least a dozen folks...if not help. The box will not be open for Open Gym that day...instead, we will clean 100% of the box and relocate the rig, as well as add some new toys to the rig.  Starting @ 11:00 we will:
- Clean ALL equipment including barbells. 
- Vacuum the entire floor
- Unbolt the rig and move it to the middle
- Drill new anchor bolts and set anchors
- Install 12' poles and shrimp trawler apparatus.
- Install Wall Ball targets
- Lower portions of the rig...and raise other portions to accommodate all sizes of athletes. 

Me and the coaches cant do this alone...we NEED everyone's help.  We will supply all the cleaning just supply the elbow grease.  Come as much as little as possible.  Any help you can provide is appreciated. 

Also... if anyone has a Impact drill...please bring it.  The more drills the better.  I will have ample drill bits.  If anyone has an 18" ladder...please bring that also. 

Today's WOD:
A) Warm up
B) Take 20 Minutes to build to a 1rm Box Jump
C) As many reps as possible in 20 min of:
     5 Toes to Bar
     10 Box Jumps (30/24)
     15 Wall Balls (20/14)
     20 Hand Release Push Ups
     25 Sit ups

Yesterdays WOD:


Sunday, December 8, 2013

GNO - Double Under - January Fundies Class

" Striving for excellent motivates you...striving for perfection is demoralizing"


Girls Night Out
We have rescheduled "GNO" for this Saturday night... December 14th. 
80/20 Rule Of Double Under Training
Saw this article today about DU training.  Makes some very good points, no matter if you do or don't have your DU's yet.  I know mine are not perfect and this will help me work on my issues...
If you do not know, Double Under Training is a game of very small adjustments until your technique becomes as finely tuned as a Steinway and Sons Piano. Your ability to do more double unders while reducing your fatigue factor is all about efficiency.
The 80/20 rule also known as the Pareto Principle states “that, for many events, roughly 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes”. As this principle holds true in business, economics, and software development; I, too, believe it is true for double under training.
After coaching and observing CrossFit athletes for over two years I can truly say that if you improve or fix 20 percent of your double under technique, you will improve your overall jump rope efficiency by 80 percent or greater.
You must keep in mind that the adjustments are usually so small that most athletes fail to realize which adjustments they have made. For this reason, many athletes fall into a revolving cycle of reverting back to bad habits. Using all of your senses to accomplish your training goals is the key to lasting success. For the rest of the article...see link above...

Wasted energy with a "Donkey Kick"

January Fundies Class
Our next Fundamentals Class will start on January 6th.  What else is January well know for?  New Years resolutions!  To help everyone out, we will be cutting the price of fundies to $99 and hopefully be able to schedule multiple classes during January.  More to come....but be sure and tell your friends about the special for January ONLY!!  Also, we have gift certificates available.  GREAT stocking stuffers!! 

Tomorrows Wod:
A) Every Minute on the minute for 8 minute:
     Snatch x2 reps @ 80 - 90% of 1Rm
B) Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70 - 75% of 1Rm
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80 - 85% of 1Rm
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90 - 95% of 1Rm
     Set 4 - 1 rep @ 100 - 105% of 1Rm
     Set 5-7  - @ 2 reps @ 90-95% of 1 Rm
     * rest 2 min between sets
C) Three rounds for time of:
     15 Pull Ups
     20 Kettle bell swings (53/35)
     40 Double Unders (x2 singles)


Friday, December 6, 2013

Dig Deep is Closed - Hoodies - Relocating the Rig HELP! - Stuck at Home WOD

"Our lives ARE NOT determined by what happens to us...but by how we react to what happens to us"

Dig Deep will have class tomorrow @ 10:00 & 11:00

Dig Deep Is Open   Due to increasing bad weather...the box is Closed. 

Yes.. we are open....however, the roads are hazardous.  In my opinion...its not worth getting a WOD in...but...if you insist, we are here.  Coaches....stay home, I will cover ALL shifts.   No Child Care today. 

Relocating the Rig... HELP!

Dec 29th we have a "Box Activity" and we need at least a dozen folks...if not help. The box will not be open for Open Gym that day...instead, we will clean 100% of the box and relocate the rig, as well as add some new toys to the rig.  Starting @ 11:00 we will:
- Clean ALL equipment including barbells. 
- Vacuum the entire floor
- Unbolt the rig and move it to the middle
- Drill new anchor bolts and set anchors
- Install 12' poles and shrimp trawler apparatus.
- Install Wall Ball targets
- Lower portions of the rig...and raise other portions to accommodate all sizes of athletes. 

Me and the coaches cant do this alone...we NEED everyone's help.  We will supply all the cleaning just supply the elbow grease.  Come as much as little as possible.  Any help you can provide is appreciated. 

Also... if anyone has a Impact drill...please bring it.  If anyone has an 18" ladder...please bring that also. 


Hoodies arrived early this week and are being screened today.  Might be ready today...but...since the ice storm, probably cant pick them up until tomorrow or Monday.  Here is a snap shot...

This will run beside the left side of the zipper...
This is on the back on the neck line.  Will only be seen when hoodie is worn.

Todays Wod:

A) Three sets of Jerk Balance practice x3 reps
      Build in weight
      Rest 2 min between sets
B)  Take 15 min to build a heavy 1rm Split Jerk
      Rest 2 min
C)  5 rounds for time of:
      50 Double Unders
      10 Push Jerks (185/125)
      Rest 1 min between sets

Stuck at Home WOD:

A) Take 15 min to do DEEP mobility in hips and IT band area.  Spend 5 min on each leg in Pigeon Pose
B) 4 Rounds for time of:
     15 Hand release pushups
      Alternate 25 sec hold in the "Superman" position then next round, 25 sec hold in the Hollow
      Rock" position.
     35 Air Squats with a gallon of water or a substitute weight. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Storm Schedule - Dig Deep 2014

"Real doing the right thing...knowing that no one will ever know that you did it"
Winter Storm Schedule
I'm sure by now, everyone knows that a potentially bad winter storm is coming Thursday through (possibly) Sunday...and everyone is wondering "what's the plan for the box".  Dig Deep will be OPEN as long I can make it to the box.  How will you know if it is open?  I will post a simple message to this blog saying "The Box Is Open".  If I cant make it in...there will be no such message.  If I am able to open, the box will remain open the entire day and class schedule will be as always.  If I get stuck at the box, I have AMPLE supply of non-perishable foods and water/adult beverages.  :-) 

Fundamentals students will be notified separately. 
Dig Deep 2014
Wow...has it been 6 months since we opened already?  Well, it has been 5 months and 4 days.  I am very proud of our athletes, the progress you have all made AND the goals that you have set for yourself.  Trying and then joining CrossFit is a BIG step.  It is very intimidating...more so for some than for others...but never the less...intimidating.  We have learned that CrossFit IS a community...we are family....and we support each other. 
As we grow...and yes, we are growing...we need to change.  As my mother always told me, the only constant in life is change.  Below is the tentative list (not inclusive) of things you can expect to see next year:
- The rig is being relocated
- Wall Ball targets added to the rig
- Muscle Up rings will hang from the rig, not the ceiling
- CrossFit Kids (Kids Fit) will start NLT Feb 1.  Classes will be held twice a day.  Mornings and afternoons
- Class times will change.  We will cancel the 5:00 am class.  I hate to do this, but the very low attendance makes it hard to justify.  However, due to large classes in the afternoon, we will be adding a class there.  The new afternoon classes will be 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30. 
- Barbell Club.  Starting at some point in the first quarter (most likely after the Open), we will start a "Barbell Club".  This club will be limited in size (10 members) and will most likely last 8 weeks in length...meeting for 2 hours on Sunday.  More to come on this. 
- New Pricing Plan will take effect.  For every 5 months that you pay ahead on your membership, you will get the 6th month for free. 
- Lastly...and this is down the road.  As we gain members, we HOPE to move into a larger facility OR possibly expand to include the space next to us.  If this should happen, we will have an Olympic lifting area, showers and an area for gymnastics. 

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Front Squat
     Set 1 - 5 reps at 70-75%
     Set 2 - 3 reps at 80-85%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90-95%
     Set 4 - 1 rep @ 100-105%
     Set 5-7  3 reps @ 85%
B) Male:
     12-9-6 rep rounds for time of:
     185lb Front Squat
     Muscle Up

     9-7-5 rep rounds for time of:
     125lb Front Squat
     Muscle Up


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Gift Certificates - Pound for Pound Challange (CFM)

"To get rich, NEVER risk your health.  It's true that health is the wealth of wealth" -Richard Baker
Gift Certificates
Dig Deep has Christmas Gift Certificates!!  These would make a great gift for someone that you are know would LOVE CrossFit...but they keep making excuses.  They come in ANY denomination you wish.  Just stop by the box and see Dennis to purchase one for that friend or relative. 
Pound for Pound Challenge (CFM)
Don't forget about the Pound for Pound Challenge at CrossFit Murray on Friday, December 13th.  All local athletes are incited to put their numbers up and see how they compare as CFM raises money for Barbells for Boobs. Each athlete that competes will weigh in and then will have 15 minutes to establish a one rep max snatch followed by 15 minutes to establish a one rep max clean and jerk. The Pound for Pound Lifting Challenge will be won by the athlete who lifts the greatest percentage of their body weight.
Tomorrows WOD:
A) 3 sets. not for time of:
     Handstand Push Ups (8-10)
     Muscle Ups (3-6) (Ring Dips 9-12)
     Kettle Bell Snatches (8-10 rep's each shoulder)
B)  6 Sets of Hang Clean + Power Clean + Jerk
      (All to be performed from mid thigh starting position)
      Rest 2 min between sets
C)  Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 8 min of:
      10 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53)
      10 Pull ups


Christmas Decorations - Ladies Night Out - New Pricing Plan

"The heartbeat of excellence often begins when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy or passion".  -Terry Orlick
(The WOD is at the bottom of the page.... READ the posts!!!)
New Pricing Plan
No... we are not raising our we expand and grow into the BEST CF box in a 250 mile radius, I see that as a necessary evil.  For now...starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free. 
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership
Trying to find way to raise funds w/out raising our membership prices. 
Ladies Night Out
This Saturday is Ladies night out for CrossFit Dig Deep....Please contact Ashlee Koster to be included or for questions.  Yes... we are aware that the weather is turning into Winter on Thursday and Friday.  However, Saturday it is warming up and with today being 65 degrees...and tomorrow forecasted to be 70...the ground and streets are FAR from frozen.  So we will be fine!!
Christmas Decorations - Ugly Sweater
If anyone has any older or extra Christmas decorations...we would appreciate the donation.  We are trying not to purchase any...but we want the box to look festive.  Thanks Marissa Oliver for the tree! 
Also... remember that Dec 14th is "wear your ugly Christmas sweater" day!! 
Todays' WOD:
A) Every min on the min for 10 min:
     Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75 - 85% of 1 rm
B) Back Squat:
     Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70-75% of 1 rm
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80-85% of 1 rm
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90 - 95% of 1 rm
     Set 4-8  - 3 reps @ 85-90%
C) Every min on the min for 6 min:
     10 Wall Balls (20/14) ALL TO 10FT
     10 Toes to bar
Yesterdays WOD: