"For those who are willing to make an effort, great miracles and wonderful treasures are in store"
Ugly Christmas Sweater WOD
Don't forget gang... Tomorrow!!
Go out and find your ugliest Christmas sweater and wear it to the box tomorrow!! Go to the local Salvation Army.... Goodwill.... Grandma... etc and get the ugliest sweater you can find. We will take a group photo prior to the WOD...and the you will need to do the WOD IN THE sweater. We will have the door open to promote the sweater. :-) See mine below....
Food Drive Drop Off
Took all our food over to the Family Service Society. They were VERY happy to get it. Pam and her staff were extremely grateful....even helped me lug all 8 FULL plastic totes and 9 cases of veggies inside. I must say, it made me soooo proud to pull up to the FSS...walk in and say "I am from CrossFit Dig Deep and we are donating food" It was a great feeling. Thanks to everyone that took the time to bring in their non-perishable foods.
In teams of 3 complete the following for time:
- 75 Handstand Pushups
- 75 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 75 Front Squat (155/105)
- 75 Kettle bells (70/53)
* every 3 minutes, the team must stop and complete 5 burpees each*
* only one barbell and one kettle bell per team*
* teams CAN work on 3 different items at once*
Go out and find your ugliest Christmas sweater and wear it to the box tomorrow!! Go to the local Salvation Army.... Goodwill.... Grandma... etc and get the ugliest sweater you can find. We will take a group photo prior to the WOD...and the you will need to do the WOD IN THE sweater. We will have the door open to promote the sweater. :-) See mine below....
Food Drive Drop Off
Took all our food over to the Family Service Society. They were VERY happy to get it. Pam and her staff were extremely grateful....even helped me lug all 8 FULL plastic totes and 9 cases of veggies inside. I must say, it made me soooo proud to pull up to the FSS...walk in and say "I am from CrossFit Dig Deep and we are donating food" It was a great feeling. Thanks to everyone that took the time to bring in their non-perishable foods.
GNO Tomorrow
Ok... we have a plan. See below for a time line.
- 4:30 Start gathering at the box for Casey Looper to primp your hair and makeup as you want
- 5:45 Jump in the vans and carpool to Glisson winery
- 7:00 Be at Tribeca to eat.
- 8:00 - 8:30 until...... who knows....
Tomorrows WOD:In teams of 3 complete the following for time:
- 75 Handstand Pushups
- 75 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 75 Front Squat (155/105)
- 75 Kettle bells (70/53)
* every 3 minutes, the team must stop and complete 5 burpees each*
* only one barbell and one kettle bell per team*
* teams CAN work on 3 different items at once*
Don't forget gang... achristmassweater.blogspot.com