Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Decorations - Ladies Night Out - New Pricing Plan

"The heartbeat of excellence often begins when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy or passion".  -Terry Orlick
(The WOD is at the bottom of the page.... READ the posts!!!)
New Pricing Plan
No... we are not raising our prices...although...as we expand and grow into the BEST CF box in a 250 mile radius, I see that as a necessary evil.  For now...starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free. 
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership
Trying to find way to raise funds w/out raising our membership prices. 
Ladies Night Out
This Saturday is Ladies night out for CrossFit Dig Deep....Please contact Ashlee Koster to be included or for questions.  Yes... we are aware that the weather is turning into Winter on Thursday and Friday.  However, Saturday it is warming up and with today being 65 degrees...and tomorrow forecasted to be 70...the ground and streets are FAR from frozen.  So we will be fine!!
Christmas Decorations - Ugly Sweater
If anyone has any older or extra Christmas decorations...we would appreciate the donation.  We are trying not to purchase any...but we want the box to look festive.  Thanks Marissa Oliver for the tree! 
Also... remember that Dec 14th is "wear your ugly Christmas sweater" day!! 
Todays' WOD:
A) Every min on the min for 10 min:
     Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75 - 85% of 1 rm
B) Back Squat:
     Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70-75% of 1 rm
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80-85% of 1 rm
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90 - 95% of 1 rm
     Set 4-8  - 3 reps @ 85-90%
C) Every min on the min for 6 min:
     10 Wall Balls (20/14) ALL TO 10FT
     10 Toes to bar
Yesterdays WOD:


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