Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Why are we doing so many....?

"Dreams can often become challenging, but challenges are what we live for."  
-Travis White

Why are we doing so many...?

A few people have been asking me why we have been doing the same movements so often lately.  

The reality is, we are a very new box...just over 6 months.  The large % of our athletes have been doing CrossFit for 3 months or less. So, as the head coach, I wanted to get as many athletes as possible, prepared and confidant in their they could participate in the Open and have fun.  

As I looked over the last 3 years of CrossFit Open WOD's, I noticed a that they programmed the same movements...just in different groups...and never repeated the same move during that year.  Those movement were: 
- Burpees
- Snatches
- Double Unders
- Box Jumps
- Wall Balls
- Clean & Jerk
- Thrusters
- Toes-2-Bar
- Chest-2-Bar
- Muscle Ups
- Shoulder-2-Overhead (push press, jerk, etc) 

If this pattern holds true, we are done with Double Unders and Snatches...and I anticipate a good leg workout this week.  We will see in two more days.  

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Every 2min on the min, for 20 min, perform:
    - Power Clean (x1)
      (Build the load over the 10 not add more than 10lbs per lift.)
B) For Time:
     2 Roundsof:
     6 Power Cleans (155/105)
     6 HSPU's
     2 Rounds of:
     6 Power Cleans (155/105)
     12 Ring Dips
     2 Rounds of:
     6 Power Cleans (155/105)
     24 HRPU's

Yesterday's WOD:

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