Monday, March 10, 2014

You need to know....

"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the eye.  You are able to say to yourself, "I have lived through this pain, I can take the next thing that comes along as well"  - Eleanor Roosevelt

You need to know....

Dig Deep...I have tossed this around for the last few weeks and decided that you need to know.

My mom was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago and we are now going down the road of making decisions.  I am telling you this because, like today with cancelling child care and open gym, there will be times when you are effected by the things happening in my life.  I am sorry for that!   I will try to plan far enough ahead and anticipate things that might interfere with the flow of the box.  The last thing I want is for second not be able to get to the box and get your WOD in.   I promise, I will do whatever I can to keep from interrupting your routines.  

Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding with any box issues....most of all for prayers for mom.  

D. Mac

Tomorrows (Tuesday) WOD:

A. Three rounds for time:
    15 Shoulder to Overhead* (75/55 lbs)

    15 Pull-Ups
     *no dropping barbell from overhead due to light weights on bar*
     Rest 6-minutes, and then…
B. Three rounds for time:
     20 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
     15 Toes to Bar
     10 Burpees over barbell
     Rest 6-minutes, and then…
C. Two rounds for time:
     Run 400 Meters
     25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lbs)
     50 Double-Unders

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