Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Thank You!!

"You cant have a better tomorrow...if you don't stop thinking about today" -anonymous

Thank You!!!

I know this is supposed to be a place for news at the box...upcoming events, etc...but I would be sooo neglectful if I didn't take the time to stop and thank everyone for all their texts, e-mails, facebook messages and face to face "how are you and how is your mom?"  You have no idea how much I appreciate everyone checking on her.  That means so much to me to know that you all care!!  She is doing well...took her first chemo today like a champ!!  It will be a long road for her, but she is strong! 

6:30...getting some deadlifts and HSPU's done

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Complete 5 sets of 5 reps of weighted ring dips
B) For time, complete 4 individual rds of:
     800m Run
     * rest 2 min between rds*
     (runs must be +/- 15 seconds of the 1st run.  If not, a 10 burpee penalty per round)

Todays WOD:

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