Friday, August 23, 2013

A little catching up to do....

"Adversity does not build reveals it"   James Lane Allen
I want to apologize for taking so long to update the blog.  It's not oversight or lack of effort, simply so many things going on while building up the box.  Don't misunderstand...I wouldn't trade this for the world.  I love what I am doing and Love all our Dig Deep members!! 

(See below for past wod pics)

Past 2 weeks?

A lot has gone on in the past two weeks....quick recap, then I will move on. 

- Welcoming 15 new members to our CrossFit family
- Starting and graduating our first Fundamentals class
- Adding 3 more Fundamentals class to the calendar ) one is full and the other two are filling
- Remodeling the box for better flow
- Organizing our first Nutrition class
- Getting ready for our September 28th Box Party
- Organizing the "Paleo Support" Page on FB
- Planning our late October surprise "Event"
- Planning our late November surprise "Event"
- Finalizing and taking delivery of our first run of CF Dig Deep box shirts
- Designing the second CFDD shirt
- Adding Yoga to our services...updating the web site
- Wishing I had an office and we had showers.....daydreaming about the move to a bigger place.  :-)

Of course all of this is taking place while the daily WOD's are being programmed and 7 classes a day are happening.  As you can see, this has been a happening place. 

First Fundamentals Class Graduates!!! 

Our first class has graduated!!  Good looking group!  Please join me in congratulating them and welcoming them into the group class effective immediately. 

(Before WOD)

(After WOD)

September Challenge:

Be getting ready for the September box challenge.  The fun will be to complete as many as burpees as possible in 4 minutes.  This is NOT about's about who has the better cardio...and conditioning.  A lot plays into this...some strategy and DIET!  My bet is, the better diet will prevail.  I haven't decided what the winning prize will be....but rest assured, it will always be worth the effort.

Past WOD Pics 

12 August 13

13 August 13

15 August 13

16 August 13

17 August 13

19 August 13

20 August 13

21 August 13

22 August 13

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