Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rams Football and Mind Body Acct

"In order to succeed, you must first be willing to fail"  Anonymous

Yesterdays WOD:

7 August 13

Deadlift - 3, 3, 3, 3, 3

21 - 15 - 9 Rep/rounds for time of:
Deadlifts (275/185)
Box Jumps (30/24)

Mind Body Account

Wanted to remind everyone that regardless of how you elect to pay for your monthly membership (cash, check, manual CC payments or auto CC payments), I would still like all members to have a Mind Body Acct.  Please use the below instructions to set one up. 

ONE ACCOUNT PER FAMILY 1) Click on the "Mind Body" above.  That will take you to our site login
2) One the right side, use the "New To Our Site" and type in your FIRST and LAST name.  (hit NEXT)
3) Input a) contact info, b) login and password & c) add any family members that also attend Dig Deep with you. 
4) When all filled out, hit "CREATE ACCOUNT". 
5) On the next page, In the middle column you will see "BILLING INFORMATION".  Hit "Edit" and input the Credit/Debit Card you want to associate with your membership.  This card will be used to pay your membership, purchase t-shirts, etc, etc.  Anything you buy here at the box.
6) Once the billing info is done and family members (that attend dig deep) are input, you are done with the software.
7) Lastly, send me a text, e-mail, Face Book IM, etc telling me what date to use to set up your auto pay. 

Any questions...please give me a shout. 

Rams Football Seats

More info to follow, but Dig Deep might be purchasing a group of 16 tickets for the Rams SEASON OPENER on September 8th vs. the Arizona Cardinals.  If this goes down, it will be a box not open air seating in the 200 level... not 300 or 400 level.  These seats are just above field level.  Again...more to follow, but if you are interested, let me know and reserve that date!! 

7 August 13

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