Thursday, August 29, 2013

Holliday Hours - New Equipment

"I have worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of my goals.  I will not let my teammates down and I will not let myself down!"  Mia Hamm

28 August 2013
A) 5 sets of:
    - Hang Power Cleans x 2-3 "unbroken" reps
    - Rest 2 minutes between sets
B) 3 Rounds for time of:
     15 Hang Power Cleans
     15 Burpees
     - REST 5 Minutes -
     5 Rounds for time of:
     35 Double Unders (x2 for singles)
     200m run

Dig Deep Labor Day Holliday Hours

Dig Deep will have a revised schedule for the Holliday.  It will be the same as our normal Saturday hours.  9:00am and 10:00am  and we will close at 12:00. 

New Equipment Coming

I ordered more ladies bars and a GHD (Glute Hamstring Developer).  When this arrives (tomorrow), "No One" can use with without first being trained by a staff member.  Currently, that is only me...but soon it will be Chris, Ashlee and Mike also.  See below for a picture. 


28 August 13

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