Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Jump Ropes - Labor Day - Paleo Challange

"The trouble with not having a goal in that you can spend your entire time running up and down the field, but never score."  Bill Copeland

August 26th
A)  5 Sets of:
      Deadlifts @ 70-80% of 1 RM (1.1 tempo)
      Rest 20 seconds
      Tall box jumps @ 70-80% of 1RM (1.1.1 tempo)
      Rest 1 minute
B)  Back squats
      Set 1 - 5 reps @ 80% of 1 RM
      Set 2 - 3 reps @ 85-90% of 1 RM
      Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90-95% of 1 RM
      Set 4 - 10 reps @ 70-75% of 1 RM
      Set 5 - 8 reps @ 75-80% of 1 RM
      Set 6 - 6 reps @ 80-85% of 1 RM
      Set 7 - 4 reps @ 85-90% of 1 RM
      - Rest 2 Min between sets
* Buy Out* 3 Sets of 25 AB mat sit ups

August 27th
"The Great 48"
   *Buy In*  4 Wall Walks
    - 48 Mountain Climbers
    - 48 HR Push ups
    - 48 Overhead Squats ((75/55)
    - 48 KB Swings (55/35)
    - 48 Walking Lunges (45/25)
    * Buy Out* 8 Sets of 4ea Toes 2 Bar

Jump Ropes

As all of our members know... I love to do jump ropes and squats.  It does the legs good!  I had a baseball coach that told me "Dennis, you cant just practice AT get better, you must put in the time".  He was right!  If you're going to get better at jump ropes, you have to put in your time.  I have a high quality Rogue jump rope for sale here at the box. If you don't pick up one from NEED you own so you can practice at home.  The more time you put in, the stronger your calves will become and the better your technique.  See the attached video on working your doubles. 

Dig Deep Labor Day Holliday Hours

Dig Deep will have a revised schedule for the Holliday.  It will be the same as our normal Saturday hours.  9:00am and 10:00am  and we will close at 12:00. 

Nutrition Seminar and Paleo Challenge 

The dates are set...

Nutrition Seminar - September 14th
Non - Paleo Cook out/Blow out - September 28th
50 Day Paleo Challenge begins - September 29th

The nutrition Seminar will be on Saturday, the 14th of September from 1:00pm - 2:00pm (longer if there are lots of questions).  I will provide packets of information to get everyone started.  Basic info, how-to, a few recipes, etc, etc.  You should bring paper and pen(s) to take notes as necessary and a chair to sit on.  The seminar is FREE to all Dig Deep members.  If possible, no children...the info is important and we won’t have day care.   

Non-Paleo Cook Out will be on September 28th...from 4:00pm - 10:00pm.  Dig Deep will be burning some burgers, but everyone that participates will need to bring their favorite side dish or main dish to show off.  As we get closer to the date, I will have a sign up list so we have a good balance.  Yes... bring the kids... may have alcohol...BUT...I expect everyone to be responsible and plan ahead with a designated driver.   

Paleo 50 Day Challenge will kick off the day after our blow out...September 29th.  With the nutrition challenge on the 14th, this gives everyone 2 weeks to take all the necessary steps so they are prepared.  There will be a $20 buy in to participate in the challenge.  WHY the money Dennis??  Well...that's a great question.  The $20 is actually for the "I survived the 50 Paleo Challenge" t-shirt after we are done...but... it also raises the level of commitment to the challenge.  In my eyes, if you are willing to spend the $ are serious about losing weight AND getting HEALTHY!!  We will have a sign-up sheet for this as well...with that sheet, I will create a PALEO Support Group on Face Book so we can all feed (no pun intended) on each other’s idea and recipes.  As you come across a great recipe, you can (and should) post the recipe and a picture of the great bacon wrapped meal  (LOL)... Bacon goes with anything. Just an FYI. 

26 August 13

27 Aug 13

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