Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hoodies...Jump Ropes and AB Mats are here!!

"It is NOT a successful climb, unless you enjoy the journey" -Dan Benson

New Merchandise for Sale:

I was asked to order more well as AB Mats and Jump Ropes.  I have them ALL in stock.  Come get them while they last.  This WILL BE THE LAST Hoodie order we place for this year!!

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 20 min complete the following, DeadLift

   1. 5 reps

   2. 3 reps
   3. 1 rep
   4. 5 reps
   5. 3 reps
   6. 1 rep
   7. 5 reps
   8. 3 reps
   9. 1 rep
   Rest as needed between sets. Go heavy as good form dictates here and have fun!
B. Complete five sets each for time of: (15 min time cap)
   5 Toes to Bar
   15 Burpees
   25 Double-Unders (x3 singles)

Todays WOD:

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