Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Paleo Party Update

"The world is so fast, that there are days when the person who says "it cant be done"...is interrupted by the person doing it" 

Hard to see...but this is how Dig Deep does a WOD in the dark...lights out version.
Did someone use the wrong light switch?

Paleo Kickoff Party (Update)

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a Paleo party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, we will all be bringing our favorite Paleo dish and sharing it with the rest of the Dig Deep family.

The white board has been turned into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing main dishes...deserts, etc

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 12 min complete 3 sets of:
   Halting Snatch Deadlift x 2 reps @ 8111 (8 seconds from floor to full extension - 1 second
   at the top..1 second down..1 second at the bottom)
   Rest 2 minutes between sets
B. Take 12 minutes to build to a med-heavy to heavy Snatch
C. Three sets each for time, of:
    Row 500 Meters
    20 Burpees over bar
    Rest 3-minutes

Todays WOD:

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