"Everyone should experience defeat...you learn a lot from it" -Lou Holtz
Houston...We have a problem!!!
Dig Deep family...I want to apologize to you.
I take my responsibilities very serious...and as a coaching staff....we are dedicated to doing what is BEST for each and every one of you!!
We told you that if you sign up with Dig Deep, we will give you the best workout possible (and we do)…told you that we will train you to do the exercises correctly and safely (and we do) and told you that we will only make class a 60 minute time period.....and we failed miserably at that....over and over.
There are a lot of reasons for this, the biggest one is our passion for teaching and wanting you to be the best you can be!! We realize that you have a life and responsibilities outside of CrossFit and we want CrossFit to help you balance life, not add stress to it.
We are looking at many different fixes to stay on schedule and to get you in and out within your 60 minute window. We are trying to shape one that will work best for everyone and will be ironed out in a few days.
Lastly.... I want to encourage each of you to NEVER be afraid to speak up (to me or any of your coaches) if you see an area that we can be better at. Again, we as a training staff are accountable to you...our members...our family.
D. Mac
Schedule Change
I am not too big of a man to admit when I was wrong.... Closing from 1-3 just doesn't work. We will revert back to the previous schedule of Open Gym during that time period.
Barbell Club
Barbell Club is full. Coach Mike will be getting in contact with everyone as soon as possible.
Lone Survivor!!
Don't forget about our movie night this Saturday @ 7:05 in Paducah.
Tomorrows WOD:
A. Five sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps (from the rig)
(starting at 50% 1RM, build over the 5 sets)
Rest 2 minutes between sets
B. Five sets of:
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Rest 2 minutes between sets
* buy out... Row 1000m with damper on 8*
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