Wednesday, January 22, 2014

No 3:30 Class Tomorow - Overhead Squat

"Set your sights high....the higher the better...then expect them to happen and they will" 
 -Eileen Caddy

Our recent Fundamentals grads!!  Show them some love and LOTS of encouragement.  
We all remember how the first few weeks can be!  


Overhead Squat Form

Since we did Overhead Squats yesterday...the coaches have been doing some discussion on good form vs bad form.  Apparently me having you roll your shoulders forward to "lock out" the shoulder is an outdated school of thought.  Now, they teach you to simply square the shoulder off and press out.  See the link below for a good CrossFit Headquarters Training piece.

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Take 10 min to build to a med-heavy Clean and Jerk
     (Power Clean is ok)
     (rest as needed)
B. AMRAP in 5 min of:
     Power Snatch (x 10) (115/75)
     Box Jumps (x 20) (30"/24")
     (rest 5 min)
C. AMRAP in 5 min of:
     Push Press (x 15) (115/75)
     Toes to bar (x 15)
     (rest 5 min)
D. For Time:
     75 Double Unders (x2 singles)
     20 KB Swings (70/53)
     75 Double Unders (x2 singles)
     20 KB Swings (70/53)
Today's WOD:

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