Friday, February 28, 2014

"OPEN WOD 14.1"

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.  The saddest summary of life contains these descriptions..."could have".... "might have".... and "should have"."
  -Louis E. Boone

Today's WOD:


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
75-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 double-unders
55-lb. power snatches, 15 reps

If you have already registered for the Open, don't forget to select Dig Deep as your affiliate.  If you have not yet signed up, you still can until this coming Monday... 5:00pm (PST).  

PLEASE come out to the box tonight at 6:30pm and cheer - scream - support everyone that is competing!!  We want this to be a competition atmosphere!!  

If you wish to do the workout a second time, there will be an opportunity to re-do the workout on Sunday during the Open Gym hours (1-4).  If you want to re-accomplish the wod on Sunday... you MUST sign up on the CLIPBOARD at the box. 

REMINDER!!!!   All scores must be submitted by Monday at 5pm (PT) for the respective week. 


Tonight's heat schedule for 14.1. 

Remember, come early and stretch...warm up..etc. There will be no warm up before your heat. Just 3, 2, 1..Go!

We will have a photographer on hand to take nice, high speed pics...

There is still time to register....the door closes Monday at 5 pm Pacific time (7pm our time).

Ashlee Koster
Vanessa Cunningham
Katie Hollowell
Ike Farmer
Bad Brad Clark

D. Mac
K. Lanham
Marshelle King
Ashley Jones
Sean Wilson

Chris Owen
Lesley Stone
Danni Ward
Brandon Orr

Nick Jones
Sammy Wray
Casey Looper
Jessica Ellegood

Yesterday's WOD:

Thursday, February 27, 2014

WOD 14.1 Announced Today!

"Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have a
accomplished with your ability. -John Wooden

WOD 14.1 Announcement @ 7:00pm.  

Todays WOD:

A) 20 Min to build a 1Rm Power Clean

B) AMRAP  in 15 min of:
    - 7 Power Cleans (185/125)
    - 7 Front Squats (185/125)
    - 7 Push Press (185/125)
    * EMOM complete 3 burpees *

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

CF Open in 2 Days!!

"Success is a journey not a destination. The doing is more important than the outcome. Not everyone can be Number 1. -Arthur Ashe

Read the above quote........ then sign up for the CrossFit Open today!!!!  

2 Days Left!!  

There is still time to register!!  Dig Deep has 13 members ready to throw some weight around....
- Ashlee Koster
- Brad Clark
Brandon Orr
- Brandy Trice
- Casey Looper
- Chris Owen
- Dennis McClain
- Danni Ward
- Ike Farmer
- Jessica Ellegood
- Nick Jones
- Sean Wilson
- Vanessa Cunningham

(For ALL athletes particiapting in the Open... I highly suggest you rest on Wednesday.... work on Thursday and be ready for Friday)

We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm).  ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm.  ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!

Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm.  They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.

I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes. They will need the atmosphere to be just like a they can and will push their selves to the limit!!

If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym.  This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.

The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out.  There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
    Lastly, DO NOT FORGET to plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time.  DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!

    Today's WOD:

    A) Build to a heavy Split Jerk from the rig

    B) Complete the following work in 12 min...
         - 4 Min of Clean and Jerk (power ok)
         - 4 Min of Rowing
         - 4 min of Burpees over bar

    Tomorrows WOD:

    A. Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Front Squat (No percentages...go for a 1RM if possible)
    B. Complete rounds of 40, 30, 20 and 10 reps for time of:
        Kettlebell Swings (53/35 lbs)

        Box Jumps (24/20)

    Sunday, February 23, 2014

    Test of Fitness - Cookeville - 4 Days Left!!

    "If we don't discipline ourselves...the world will do it for us." -William Feather

    Test Of Fitness

    This is a great video...long, but worth the watch.  Our Elite...our CrossFit's fittest talk about what it takes to do your best and the direction CrossFit is headed.  Don't just watch....LISTEN!!.

    Mayhem for Mustard Seed Ranch

    We have a team (Chris Owen, Mike Wray and Nick Jones) that will be participating in Rich Froning's "Mayhem For Mustard Seed" competition on April 12th in Cookeville Tennessee.  Mustad Seed Ranch is a home for children (ages 5-17) that are abused, neglected and at time come from homes of drug addicted parents. The funds raised will go toward the operations of existing homes and the creation of a new girls home.  All of Dig Deep is encourage to go to this event to cheer on and support our team.  See the link below for spectator tickets.

    4 Days Left!!  

    There is still time to register!!  Dig Deep has 12 members ready to throw some weight around!

    We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm).  ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm.  ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!

    Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm.  They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.

    I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes. They will need the atmosphere to be just like a they can and will push their selves to the limit!!

    If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym.  This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.

    The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out.  There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
      Lastly, DO NOT FORGET to plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time.  DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!

      Tomorrows WOD

      A) Back Squat (15 min cap)
          Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70-75%
          Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
          Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
          Sets 4 & 5 – 2 reps @ 90% or greater
          Rest 2 minutes
      B. Three sets for max rounds of: (add total reps into one number)
          60 seconds of Hang Power Clean
          (elbows must come all the way forward and hips must open fully at the top)
          60 seconds of Front Squat
          60 seconds of Push Press
          60 seconds of Rest
      *** Prescribed loads are 95/65 lbs. – light enough to make continuous motion a reasonable goal. Scale up or down as you see fit***

      Saturdays WOD:

      Friday, February 21, 2014

      CF Open Reminder - Junior Beasts - Group Class Changes - 2014 Battle Of The Boxes

      "If you want your dreams to come true... don't over sleep"  

      CF Open Reminder:

      Only 6 more days until the first WOD for the 2014 CrossFit Open drops.  

      There is still time to register!!  Dig Deep has 11 members ready to throw some weight around!

      We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm).  ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm.  ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!

      Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm.  They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.

      I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes. They will need the atmosphere to be just like a they can and will push their selves to the limit!!

      If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym.  This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.

      The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out.  There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
        Lastly, DO NOT FORGET to plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time.  DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!

        Group Class Time Changes:

        Junior Beasts:  Here it is parents....the news you have been waiting for.  Junior Beast will be starting on Monday March 31st!  We need to wait until the CrossFit Open is over to make our changes and let things calm down.  The Open takes a lot of energy and time.  

        Classes will be on Tuesday’s and Thursdays from 4:30 – 5:30.  Ages 3 – 7 will be from 4:30 – 5:00… and ages 8 – 12 will be from 5:00 – 5:30.  That means we will not have adult group classes on those two days during 4:30 – 5:30.   Prices will be $30 a month (8 sessions) for members and $40 a month for non-members.  A parent MUST be present and willing to participate with the child.  

        To sign up, e-mail

        Schedule Changes:

        Effective March 31st, we will not have an adult class offered on Tuesdays and Thursday's from 4:30 - 5:30. This was a VERY difficult decision.  We need more space, but we simply don't have the membership to support the expansion right now.  As soon as we get our feet under us a little better, we will re-instate this well as add additional classes.  

        Also effective March 31st, we will be discontinuing the 6:00am class.  We tried it at both 6:30am and 6:00am with no participation.  Our 5:00am class is gaining steam thanks to Nick and his great that might possibly expand in the future.  

        2014 Battle of the Boxes

        Mark you calendars!!!  May 3rd at CrossFit Murray...Battle of the Boxes.  If they run this the way they did last year, there will be an "RX" division and a "Scaled" division...with the larger space this year..they might even add a "Teams" division.  At any rate... I am hoping everyone will want to sign up for this.  I know...I know... "I'm not good enough for a competition".  Yes you are.  You will love it.  If you enjoy the feeling you get after a WOD here at Dig Deep, you will LOVE the feeling after a competition WOD.  

        Again.. Mark your calendars.  May 3rd!!!  

        Todays (Friday) WOD:

        A) Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
            Front Squat x 3 reps @ 75-80%
        B. Five sets of:
            Clean x 1.1.1 (10 seconds rest between) (build to  heavy)
            Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
        C. For time:
           40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs)
           20 Toes to Bar
           30 Wall Ball Shots
           15 Toes to Bar
           20 Wall Ball Shots
           10 Toes to Bar
           10 Wall Ball Shots
            5 Toes to Bar

        Tomorrows (Saturday) WOD:

        A) Warm Up
        B) In teams of 2 (with one member running at a time) complete:
             - 400 Meter Run
             - 100 Pull Ups
             - 200 Push Ups
             - 300 Air Squats 

        Wednesday, February 19, 2014

        Why Should I do the CF Open?? - Friends and Family Day

        “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the
        field and never score.” -Bill Copeland

        CF Open

        Great Story on why an 8 month pregnant athlete is doing the Open!!  She doesn't care if she can or cant do all the moves...she is doing the Open...for the simple act of competing.  Whats your excuse? 

        Friends and Family Day

        This Saturday is "Friends and Family Day at Dig Deep!!  We will do the intro WOD at 12:00 (noon).  Invite everyone you know to come out and see what CrossFit is all about.  If you invite them...please plan on being here with them to support them.  It's ALWAYS easier for someone to try something if they have a shoulder to lean on.

        Membership Drive!!

        OK Dig Deep...we are holding a membership drive from February 15th to May 15th.  The member with the most Fundamental graduates referrals during this time, will receive a new...custom pair of Nano 3's.  The winner will get to go on-line to Reebok and customize their shoes and Dig Deep will take care of the tab.  Keep telling your friends about CrossFit and how much you LOVE doing Hero WOD's.  :-)  

        Dig Deep is now accepting sign ups for our March Fundamentals class. 

        Class will Start Monday, March 3rd and class size WILL BE LIMITED to the first 8 athletes to sign up AND pay. 

        Fundamentals is a 9 day course that last one hour per se
        ssion and runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:30pm. An athlete MUST attend EACH of the 9 classes to successfully graduate. Graduation of Fundamentals is required in order to participate in regular CrossFit group classes.

        The cost of the program, PLUS 3 months of UNLIMITED membership is $199. (cash, check or charge due before your first class). This is a GREAT DEAL. You get a 3 month UNLIMITED membership for $199.... that is normally $270 for the same 3 months.

        Ask ANY current member..... CrossFit is GREAT!!...the family environment...the push and encouragement among the members pushing each other to do better and get stronger.....and everyone CAN do it.

        Please reserve your spot in the next class by emailing us at call/text 270-331-3731

        Tomorrows WOD:

        A. Dead-lift
            Set 1 – 10 reps @ 55% of 1-RM
            Set 2 – 10 reps @ 65%
            Set 3 – 6 reps @ 75%
            Set 4 – 8 reps @ 80%
            Set 5 – 6 reps @ 85%
            Set 6 – 4 reps @ 90%
            Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
        B. AMRAP in 15min of:
            - 5 Deadlifts (255/175)
            - 10 Box Jumps (30/24)


        Tuesday, February 18, 2014

        Membership Drive!

        "I failed my way to success" -Thomas Eddison

        Membership Drive!!

        OK Dig Deep...we are holding a membership drive from February 15th to May 15th.  The member with the most Fundamental graduates referrals during this time, will receive a new...custom pair of Nano 3's.  The winner will get to go on-line to Reebok and customize their shoes and Dig Deep will take care of the tab.  Keep telling your friends about CrossFit and how much you LOVE doing Hero WOD's.  :-)  

        Dig Deep is now accepting sign ups for our March Fundamentals class. 

        Class will Start Monday, March 3rd and class size WILL BE LIMITED to the first 8 athletes to sign up AND pay. 

        Fundamentals is a 9 day course that last one hour per se
        ssion and runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:30pm. An athlete MUST attend EACH of the 9 classes to successfully graduate. Graduation of Fundamentals is required in order to participate in regular CrossFit group classes.

        The cost of the program, PLUS 3 months of UNLIMITED membership is $199. (cash, check or charge due before your first class). This is a GREAT DEAL. You get a 3 month UNLIMITED membership for $199.... that is normally $270 for the same 3 months.

        Ask ANY current member..... CrossFit is GREAT!!...the family environment...the push and encouragement among the members pushing each other to do better and get stronger.....and everyone CAN do it.

        Please reserve your spot in the next class by emailing us at call/text 270-331-3731

        Today's WOD:

        A) Warm up

        B) "Badger"
             Complete 3rds of the following for time:
             - 30 Squat Cleans (95/ 65)
             - 30 Pull-ups
             - 800m Run

        Tomorrows WOD:

        A. Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy:
             Push Press + Power Jerk (off the rig)

        B. AMRAP in 20 min of:
            - 20 Burpee over Barbell
            - 15 Push Press (165/115)
            - 10 HRPU
            - 5 Muscle Ups (x3 Ring Dips)

        Sunday, February 16, 2014

        Hoodie Sale - CF Open Update - Tape Drawer Needs Help!!

        "Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything" -Johann von Goethe

        Barbell Club...Looking good!

        Hoodie Sale

        We are dropping the price on our hoodies to below cost.  They cost Dig Deep $40 to purchase and print...we are selling them for $35.00 plus tax.  Come get yours while they last!  We will NOT be purchasing these next year.  As you know, these are VERY nice hoodies, but too expensive to sell.  Next year will be a different hoodie and design.

        CrossFit Open Update

        Only 11 more days until the first WOD for the 2014 CrossFit Open drops.  I'm getting excited!!

        There is still time to register!!  Dig Deep has 11 members ready to throw some weight around!


        We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm).  ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm.  ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!

        Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm.  They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.

        I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes.  They will need the atmosphere to be just like a they can and will push their selves to the limit!!

        If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym.  This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.

        The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out.  There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
          Lastly, DO NOT FORGET TO plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time.  DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!

          Tape Drawer

          As many of you know, we have a drawer by the WOD board that we keep tape in...let me give you the background on this drawer.

          When Dig Deep first opened in July of last year, Mike and Dennis were two of the few that did enough Olympic lifting to need tape to protect their fingers and thumbs from time to time.  Now...we have A LOT of athletes that are throwing the weights around and it is GREAT!!  We are ecstatic that everyone is progressing in their lifts as quickly as they are.    HOWEVER... everyone is also under the impression that the tape is supplied by Dig Deep.  This is not the case.  Mike and Dennis have always bought it out of their own funds in the hopes that others would do the same...use some tape and give some tape back.  Sort of like a community tape drawer.  The problem is....the tape is being used...but not resupplied.   Please...if you are going to use the tape, go to Dicks or Hibbets and purchase some for the drawer so we can keep this going.  Basic white is all that's needed.

          Tomorrows WOD:

          A) Two sets, not for time: (12 min cap)
               Chest to Bar Pull ups (10-12)
               Double Unders (30-40 sec)
          B) 5 Sets of: (15 min cap)
               Halting Clean Dead-lift + Hang Clean + Clean (hold pause for 5 sec, at the end of the first pull position)
               Rest 2 min
          C) 3 rounds for time of:
               30 KB swings (53/35)
               20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
               10 Toes to bar

          Saturday's WOD:

          Friday, February 14, 2014

          Tomorrows WOD

          "I know the price of success:   dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen."  -Frank Lloyd Wright

          Tomorrows WOD:

          (See October 10th, 2013)

          A) 8 sets of Clean Pull + Clean (build not break elbows on the Clean Pulls)
          B) 3 Rounds for time of:
               50 KB High Pulls (53/35)
               50 Double Unders

          Today's WOD:

          Thursday, February 13, 2014

          March Fundies

          "No one ever attains eminent success by only doing what is required."  
          -Charles Francis Adams

          Day 14 of our 50 day Paleo Challenge!!  Happy Valentines Day!!

          March Fundies

          We are now taking sign ups for the March Fundamentals class starting March 3rd.  As always, class will be limited to the first 8 students to sign up and pay.  

          Tomorrow's WOD:

          A. Four sets of: (12 min cap)(if they do not have a 1RM...use the reps to build)
              Overhead Squats
              Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70%
              Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80%
              Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
              Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
              Rest 2 min
          B. In teams of 2….with only one partner working at a time complete 2rds of the following:(35            min time cap)
             - 14 Kettle Bells (70/53)
             - 14 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25)
             - 14 HRPU
             - 14 Front Squats (135/95)
             - 14 Toes to Bar
             - 14 OverHead Squats (135/95)
             - 14 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
             - 14 Kettle Bells (70/53)
             - 14 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25)
             - 14 HRPU
             - 14 Front Squats (135/95)
             - 14 Toes to Bar
             - 14 OverHead Squats (135/95)
             - 14 Wall Balls (20/14) (10/9)
             - After completion of 2 rds….complete 200 sit ups as a team.

          Today's WOD

          Wednesday, February 12, 2014

          Membership Discount - Activity Center - Valentines Day WOD!!

          ""Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."
          -Audrey Hepburn

          Membership Discount

          Remember... If you pay in advance for 5 months, you get your 6th month free. This offer will end April 31st.

          Activity Center

          Dig Deep.... Why do we CrossFit??? 

          To look good naked? ....

          ......well....yes...but also so we can get out and do fitness activities and have FUN!! Danni and Heather have taken it on their shoulders to keep up or "Activity" boxes. Take a look at them from time to time. See if there is a 5k ride...CrossFit event, etc that you would enjoy. You CrossFit!!!!....get out there and put that bad-ass body to good use!!!

          Valentines Day WOD!!

          We will have normal hours on Valentines day... come on out and get your WOD on.  No... I wont tell you what it is yet, but it will be a partner WOD and be based on...yes... the #14.  It's going to be fun...

          OMG!!!  It's 32 degrees?!?!

          Yes.. we have finally getting some warmer weather.  We will be opening the garage door soon and stashing the rowers for some running.  Keep your fingers crossed that it will hold out for more than a few days.  

          Tomorrows WOD:

          A. Two sets, not for time, of: (15 min cap)
               800m warm up run
          B. Six sets of: (15 min cap) (building as you go)(don't lower past the front rack during a set)
               Push Press + Push Jerk
               Rest 2 minutes between sets
          C. Five rounds for time of:
               6 Handstand Push-ups / 2ea - 5 second Handstand Holds
               9 Power Clean (155/105)
               12 Burpees Over Bar

          Today's WOD: