Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hoodie Sale - CF Open Update - Tape Drawer Needs Help!!

"Instruction does much, but encouragement does everything" -Johann von Goethe

Barbell Club...Looking good!

Hoodie Sale

We are dropping the price on our hoodies to below cost.  They cost Dig Deep $40 to purchase and print...we are selling them for $35.00 plus tax.  Come get yours while they last!  We will NOT be purchasing these next year.  As you know, these are VERY nice hoodies, but too expensive to sell.  Next year will be a different hoodie and design.

CrossFit Open Update

Only 11 more days until the first WOD for the 2014 CrossFit Open drops.  I'm getting excited!!

There is still time to register!!  Dig Deep has 11 members ready to throw some weight around!


We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm).  ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm.  ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!

Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm.  They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.

I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes.  They will need the atmosphere to be just like a they can and will push their selves to the limit!!

If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym.  This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.

The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out.  There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
    Lastly, DO NOT FORGET TO plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time.  DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!

    Tape Drawer

    As many of you know, we have a drawer by the WOD board that we keep tape in...let me give you the background on this drawer.

    When Dig Deep first opened in July of last year, Mike and Dennis were two of the few that did enough Olympic lifting to need tape to protect their fingers and thumbs from time to time.  Now...we have A LOT of athletes that are throwing the weights around and it is GREAT!!  We are ecstatic that everyone is progressing in their lifts as quickly as they are.    HOWEVER... everyone is also under the impression that the tape is supplied by Dig Deep.  This is not the case.  Mike and Dennis have always bought it out of their own funds in the hopes that others would do the same...use some tape and give some tape back.  Sort of like a community tape drawer.  The problem is....the tape is being used...but not resupplied.   Please...if you are going to use the tape, go to Dicks or Hibbets and purchase some for the drawer so we can keep this going.  Basic white is all that's needed.

    Tomorrows WOD:

    A) Two sets, not for time: (12 min cap)
         Chest to Bar Pull ups (10-12)
         Double Unders (30-40 sec)
    B) 5 Sets of: (15 min cap)
         Halting Clean Dead-lift + Hang Clean + Clean (hold pause for 5 sec, at the end of the first pull position)
         Rest 2 min
    C) 3 rounds for time of:
         30 KB swings (53/35)
         20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
         10 Toes to bar

    Saturday's WOD:

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