"If you want your dreams to come true... don't over sleep"
CF Open Reminder:
Only 6 more days until the first WOD for the 2014 CrossFit Open drops.
There is still time to register!! Dig Deep has 11 members ready to throw some weight around!
We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm). ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm. ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!
Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm. They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.
I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes. They will need the atmosphere to be just like a competition....screaming...yelling...loud....so they can and will push their selves to the limit!!
If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym. This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.
The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out. There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
We will be doing the weekly Open Workout during our regular group classes on Fridays (6:00am, 8:30am, Noon, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, and 5:30pm). ALL the Athletes that are competing in the Open will complete their weekly WOD on Friday @ 6:30pm. ONLY the Open athletes will be doing the 6:30 session!!!
Each Open athlete should show up early to be completely stretched out and warm. They will not be warmed up by a coach prior to their WOD.
I URGE ALL Dig Deep members to be at the 6:30pm session to cheer on the Open Athletes. They will need the atmosphere to be just like a competition....screaming...yelling...loud....so they can and will push their selves to the limit!!
If an Open athlete can not make it to the Friday night session to be officially judged, the WOD can be accomplished on Sunday during Open Gym. This MUST be coordinated through Dennis prior to Friday night.
The Open athletes CAN do the weekly WOD more than once...however...for most, I would encourage only completing it once and going all out. There will be circumstances that I would support completing the WOD more than once.
Lastly, DO NOT FORGET to plug in your scores by Monday! You must submit all scores by 5:00pm Pacific Time. DO NOT wait till the last minute, because in the past CrossFit has had issues with their website, and with 100,000+ participants... I'd put the blame on you for trying to post so late!
Group Class Time Changes:
Group Class Time Changes:
Junior Beasts: Here it is parents....the news you have been waiting for. Junior Beast will be starting on Monday March 31st! We need to wait until the CrossFit Open is over to make our changes and let things calm down. The Open takes a lot of energy and time.
Classes will be on
Tuesday’s and Thursdays from 4:30 – 5:30.
Ages 3 – 7 will be from 4:30 – 5:00… and ages 8 – 12 will be from 5:00 –
5:30. That means we will not have adult group classes on those two days during 4:30 – 5:30. Prices will be $30 a month (8 sessions) for
members and $40 a month for non-members. A parent MUST be present and willing to participate with the child.
To sign up, e-mail Dennis@crossfitdigdeep.com
Schedule Changes:
Effective March 31st, we will not have an adult class offered on Tuesdays and Thursday's from 4:30 - 5:30. This was a VERY difficult decision. We need more space, but we simply don't have the membership to support the expansion right now. As soon as we get our feet under us a little better, we will re-instate this class...as well as add additional classes.
Also effective March 31st, we will be discontinuing the 6:00am class. We tried it at both 6:30am and 6:00am with no participation. Our 5:00am class is gaining steam thanks to Nick and his great coaching...so that might possibly expand in the future.
2014 Battle of the Boxes
Mark you calendars!!! May 3rd at CrossFit Murray...Battle of the Boxes. If they run this the way they did last year, there will be an "RX" division and a "Scaled" division...with the larger space this year..they might even add a "Teams" division. At any rate... I am hoping everyone will want to sign up for this. I know...I know... "I'm not good enough for a competition". Yes you are. You will love it. If you enjoy the feeling you get after a WOD here at Dig Deep, you will LOVE the feeling after a competition WOD.
Again.. Mark your calendars. May 3rd!!!
Todays (Friday) WOD:
A) Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
Front Squat x 3 reps @ 75-80%
B. Five sets of:
Clean x 1.1.1 (10 seconds rest between) (build to heavy)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
C. For time:
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs)
20 Toes to Bar
30 Wall Ball Shots
15 Toes to Bar
20 Wall Ball Shots
10 Toes to Bar
10 Wall Ball Shots
5 Toes to Bar
Tomorrows (Saturday) WOD:
Tomorrows (Saturday) WOD:
A) Warm Up
B) In teams of 2 (with one member running at a time) complete:
- 400 Meter Run
- 100 Pull Ups
- 200 Push Ups
- 300 Air Squats
B) In teams of 2 (with one member running at a time) complete:
- 400 Meter Run
- 100 Pull Ups
- 200 Push Ups
- 300 Air Squats
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