Thursday, May 22, 2014

Holliday Weekend Schedule - Childcare on Saturday

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”  — Bob Moawad

Memorial Day Weekend Schedule! 

We will have a limited schedule on Monday...same as our typical Saturday Schedule. 

Saturday (May 24th)
- Murph at 9:00am
- Murph at 10:30am
- Closed by noon

Sunday (May 25th)
- Open Gym (1-4pm)

Monday (May 26th)
- Murph @ 9:00am
- Daily WOD @ 10:30am
- Closed by noon 

*there will be child care this Saturday for the 9:00am Murph!!  Use it or loose it!!*

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WODIFY Update - Daily WOD's

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”  — Carl Jung
Looks like we are cooking with gas now!  About 75% of the Dig Deep family has logged into WODIFY now.  We need 100%, so please login soon.  We also started signing into the group classes and posting our scores today.  The more we use WODIFY, the more we will love it.  It is VERY interactive.  
We are not making it a requirement to schedule yourself for class...yet.  That will be a requirement soon.  The coaches NEED to see what size class they are dealing with so they can properly plan the warm up...and if necessary...change the wod.  
We will not be capping classes unless there is squatting from the rig.  We can ONLY put 12 people on the rig and still be SAFE.  So on these days, the class will be capped at 12 students. 
Daily WOD's
To encourage everyone to sign in and use WODIFY... WOD's will no longer be posted to the blog. 
Previous Day WOD's
I will continue to take pictures of the WOD's and posting to the BLOG...however...that will end soon as well.  WODIFY needs to be used by all the athletes to store and track their results. 
Todays WOD:

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

WODIFY Login -- Memorial Day Murph!!

"The good guy doesn’t always win and justice doesn’t always prevail, but where you direct your mental energy will always determine your attitude and it will always be controlled by you.”
– Steve Siebold

(yes...I am posting the same 2 subjects...2 days in a row...hint...hint...hint...)

Check Your e-mail!!

Alright Dig Deep... we are now LIVE with WODIFY.  Everyone should have been sent a "Welcome" e-mail from WODIFY tonight....if you DID NOT...let Dennis know by sending him a text @ 270-331-3731. 

This e-mail is "step 1" in our integration process.  As soon as we get everyone's e-mail is correct, a follow-up e-mail will be sent with directions to update your financial information. 

Please let me know IMMEDIATELY if you did not receive an e-mail. 

....for the ladies.
Memorial Day Murph on Saturday AND Monday!!

We are revising our schedule for Murph. 

Yes, we are still having it on Saturday (24th) both 9:00am and 10:30am...but cancelling the noon option.  The good news is, we are going to do it again on Monday (26th) at 9:00am as well!  We will ALSO add a "normal" WOD at 10:30am on Monday for those that did Murph on Saturday and still want to get their WOD in on Monday!  As before.. sign up for Murph on the white board! 

Tomorrows WOD:
Strength: 5 sets of 5 rep Push Press (65%-75% 1Rm)
                (athlete must hold each push press for 5 seconds at the top)
               For time, complete 150 Wall balls (20/14) (10/9)
Todays WOD:

Monday, May 19, 2014

WODIFY is Here!! -- Memorial Day Murph on Monday too!

“All great acts of genius began with the same consideration: Do not be constrained by your present reality.”  — Leonardo da Vinci


Alright Dig Deep... we are now LIVE with WODIFY.  Everyone should have been sent a "Welcome" e-mail from WODIFY tonight....if you DID NOT...let Dennis know by sending him a text @ 270-331-3731. 

This e-mail is "step 1" in our integration process.  As soon as we get everyone's e-mail is correct, a follow-up e-mail will be sent with directions to update your financial information. 

Please let me know IMMEDIATELY if you did not receive an e-mail. 

Memorial Day Murph on Saturday AND Monday!!

We are revising our schedule for Murph. 

Yes, we are still having it on Saturday (24th) both 9:00am and 10:30am...but cancelling the noon option.  The good news is, we are going to do it again on Monday (26th) at 9:00am as well!  We will ALSO add a "normal" WOD at 10:30am on Monday for those that did Murph on Saturday and still want to get their WOD in on Monday!  As before.. sign up for Murph on the white board! 

Tomorrows WOD:

METCON:  With a partner, complete 30 rounds of the following:
                    - 3 HSPU's
                    - 6 Burpees
                    - 12 Walking Lunges
                    *partner 1 will hold a "plank" while partner 2 completes 1 round of work.  partner 2 can
                      ONLY work while partner 1 is "holding the plank!  Partners will rotate working with
                      each completed round. *

Todays WOD:

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Monday's WOD

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”  – Jim Rohn

Tomorrows WOD:

Strength: EMOM for 8 min, complete 3 Deadlifts @ 80-90% of 1Rm.  Max reps on the 9th min.  
METCON: For time, complete 50-40-30-20-10 the following:
                   - T2B
                   - KB Swings (70/53)

Saturdays WOD:

Friday, May 16, 2014

New Building - New Fundy Grads!

“Since fear is mostly about ignorance, the best part is that it’s as temporary as you choose.”
— Christine Comaford

We have a new building!

Dig Deep family...we have lots of changes coming June, July and August....but the biggest was made official today. We signed the lease on the future home of CrossFit Dig Deep!!!

Baring any construction issues, 3660 James Sanders Blvd will be our new home by July 15th.

This facility will give us much needed public exposure and the ability to run more than one class at a time....and yes!!!...we will have showers!! 
To give you an idea of the size, our current building is 2,00 square feet...this on e is 6,000 square feet...with an option to go to 9,000 if we need it in the future. patient...we will post info as they come available! 

New Fundy's grads!

Welcome our newest members of CrossFit Dig Deep!!!  If you see them in the box...give them a hug and welcome them, to the family!

Todays WOD:
Max Out Friday!
A) In 30 min... (15 min each) accomplish as many HSPU's and Pull Ups as possible
    (HSPU can be strict of kipping...but as soon as you fall off the wall, the counting stops)
    (Pull Ups can be strict, kipping or butterfly...but as soon as you let go of the bar, the counting
     ** you can have as many attempts as possible w/in the time cap **
B) METCON:  Complete AMRAP in 10 min of:
     5 Push ups
     7 T2B
     9 Box Jumps (20")
Yesterdays WOD:


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tomorrow's WOD

“As long as we are persistent in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.” – Denis Waitley

 Tomorrows WOD:

METCON: For time, complete the folowing:
                  - 800m Run
                  - 50 Box jump Overs (24/20)
                  - 50 Dead lifts (185/155)
                  - 50 Wallballs (20/14)
                  - 50 Ring Dips
                  - 50 Wallballs (20/14)
                  - 50 Dead lifts (185/155)
                  - 50 Box jump Overs (24/20)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday's WOD

Tomorrows WOD

A) Take 25 min to complete the following gymnastic work:
     - 20 Pull Ups
     - 20 Toes too Bar (T2B)
     - 10 Chest too Bar (C2B)
     - 10 Knees too Elbow (K2E)
     - 5 Rope Climbs (wear socks)
     - 5 Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU)
B) METCON: In 10 min, complete the following...
     1 min of KB Swings (53/35)
     1 min rest
     (30 KB swings MUST be accomplished w/in the 1 min time provided...or a 3 burpee penalty per
      KB swing that was NOT accomplished will be enforced.  The Burpees will be completed during
      the 1 min rest period)

Today's WOD:

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mud Run!! - Memorial Day Shirts

"There is no such thing as can’t, only won’t.  All it takes is a burning desire to accomplish, to make a change.  Go forward, go backward. Whatever it takes! But you can’t blame other people or society in general. It all comes from your mind.”  — Jan Ashford

Mud Run!!

We are down to only 5 more days!!  Come on everyone...come join the fun and help out the emergency responders!

GET READY!! This is our second year to be one of the biggest Mud Runs in Kentucky! This 5K challenge has a minimum of 12 large obstacles from the 100 foot 'Slide for Your Life' to Tire Run Hill, the Bog Pits and Great Wall, it's all here...not to mention the new obstacles we are working on!!
 Be sure and Like our Facebook page, Mud Madness Run for the Responders, where we will be posting information as we get close to the event including maps, obstacle details giveaways and more!!  All proceeds from this event go to benefit Marshall County's Emergency Responders!!!

Click here to go to the registration page... Mud Run!!   Select "8 man team at $30", click "join team", search for "CrossFit Dig Deep" and select "1pm".  Yes, it says "8 man team"...but Sammy got it changed to 25 people.  We have about 10 people signed up so far.  Lets go get muddy! 

Memorial Day Murph and Shirts!

Here they are!!  Our shirts for Murph!

Tomorrows WOD: 

METCON:  Complete 4rds of the following for time: (30 min cap)
                    - 20 Back Squats (95/135) (from floor)
                    - 5 Wall walks
                    - 10 Front Squats (95/135)
                    - 5 Wall Walks
                    - 5 Clean and Jerks (95/135)

Today's WOD:

Sunday, May 11, 2014


"Winners don't sit around and wait for their chance....they go out and take them"

Congratulations to all our "Iron Mom" Dig Deep ladies that went out and conquered their doubts this weekend....and had FUN doing it!  Many of you were amazed at how well you did with no "training".  Seriously?  You DO train...every day you show up for class you are training.  The WODs we create for you are not just to get you strong...they get you healthy and demand cardio from your body!  You lay on the floor gasping for air when the WOD is done...because you are exhausted.  You ARE training!

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Strength:  Complete 5 sets of 3 Squat Cleans @ 70-80% of your 1rm. (all cleans must start from the floor with minimal (if any) rest between each set of 3).  Rest exactly 2 min between sets
B) Metcon:  AMRAP in 15 min of:
     - 400 m run
     - 10 Pull ups
     - 20 Push Ups
     - 30 Air squats

Saturdays WOD:

Friday, May 9, 2014

Tomorrows WOD

“Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.”

Tomorrows WOD:

Partner WOD:
For time, complete 3 rounds of the following:
- 1000m Run
- 100 Sit ups
- 100 KB Swings (53/35)
* runs must be completed simultaneously by both partners *
* both partners must be present for work to begin *
* only one partner working at a time (except the runs) *

Thursday, May 8, 2014

2014 Mud Madness 5K!!

“Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.” — Barbara De Angelis

2014 Mud Madness 5K!!

GET READY!! This is our second year to be one of the biggest Mud Runs in Kentucky! This 5K challenge has a minimum of 12 large obstacles from the 100 foot 'Slide for Your Life' to Tire Run Hill, the Bog Pits and Great Wall, it's all here...not to mention the new obstacles we are working on!!
 Be sure and Like our Facebook page, Mud Madness Run for the Responders, where we will be posting information as we get close to the event including maps, obstacle details giveaways and more!!  All proceeds from this event go to benefit Marshall County's Emergency Responders!!!

Click here to go to the registration page... Mud Run!!   Select "8 man team at $30", click "join team", search for "CrossFit Dig Deep" and select "1pm".  Yes, it says "8 man team"...but Sammy got it changed to 25 people.  We have about 10 people signed up so far.  Lets go get muddy! 

Tomorrows WOD: 

"Max Out Friday"
A) Strength: Take 15-20 min to build up to a 1Rep Max Front Squat
B) Metcom: "Nasty Girls Remix"
     For time, complete 3 rounds for time of: (25 min cap)
     -50 Wall Balls (20/14)
     -7 Muscle Ups (x2 full depth ring dips)
     - 10 Hang Power Cleans (185/135)

Today's WOD:

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Eat More Fat!!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore, Dream, Discover. –Mark Twain

CrossFit Athletes Need To Eat Fat  

I pretty much take it for granted that eating fat is a very healthy thing to do. But the media has done a great job of convincing the public otherwise. So lets take a second to cover just a few things about fat.

What’s it Good For?
Fat is needed to rebuild ALL the cells in your body, especially the cell membrane. That’s a whole lot of cells! Some estimations of 200 trillion cells or so make up the human body. Think about that. Every cell in your body requires fat for healthy replication. And all those cells make up all of you. Every last piece. That’s a lot of you and a lot of fat. Not that your fat, but you need fat. You know what I mean? 

It’s also needed in the inflammatory process, which is needed to repair damaged tissues. First the body creates prostagl
andins, using mostly omega-6′s (fat) to bring inflammation to the damaged tissue. This helps clear out energy byproduct and damaged cells, and helps bring in needed nutrition to repair the tissue. Then omega-3′s (fat) are used to create another form of prostaglandins to reduce the inflammation when it’s all healed up. So, no healing without inflammation. No inflammation without fat. Sounds like you need fat in you diet. Yup.
The brain and nervous system also rely heavily on fat for healing and repair in a similar way. Heck, your brain is somewhere between 60-75% fat! How are you going to keep that thing up and running at max capacity without eating what it’s made of? You ain’t! Thats how!

Eat Fat, Burn Fat
When we eat fat, quite simple we burn it. If our bodies are constantly being required to burn fat from the diet, they most likely will turn to stored fat for an energy source when needed. If we are eating carbs, specifically refined, we will train our bodies to burn carbs, which will hinder our ability to burn stored fat. I’m guessing that’s not what most of us have on our to-do list for the day. In addition, fat is a long lasting source of calories for you body, that will keep your energy level even throughout the day. Constant energy, I like. No energy, I don’t like. I need to smash some WODs!

Good and Bad
I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this, because it’s really quite simple. There is good fat and bad fat. Good fat heals you, bad fat hurts you. How do you tell the difference? Good fat comes from an organic, unprocessed source. Nuts, olives, and animals are good examples. Bad fat comes from a processed source, i.e., man made. Examples; corn oil, canola oil, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated are a few. Again, if it’s processed, meaning someone has altered the original structor of that fat, its bad for you. Bad like, creates total systemic inflammation (inflammation is everywhere, especially where you don’t want it, like you brain), hardens cell membranes, reduces insulin receptors, (which can make you more inflamed and fatter, potentially contributing to diabetes), and on and on. Don’t eat it is what I’m getting at. It will truly hurt you.

Hopefully this little bit on fat helps you start to realize the importance of this essential nutrient to your health and well being, and since I’m talking to crossfiters, your performance! So starting eating fat, it’s good for you.

-CrossFit North Industry

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Warm up:
      - Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes, complete:
      3 Hang Snatches (barbell only)
      3 Burpees
B) Metcon:  For time, complete: (30 min cap)
     - Run 800m
     ...then complete...
     12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of
      - Squat Snatches (95/65)
      - HSPU
      - Run 800m

Today's WOD:


5 Ways to get the most out of your WOD

"There are two primary choices in accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them" -Denis Waitley

Five Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Hour at the Box
 Heather Hippensteel (CrossFit Invictus)

For most of you, your daily one-hour workouts are the kick start to your morning, a bright spot in the middle of your day, or a well deserved release at the end of a long day....and it is our job (coaches) to make that one hour be the best parts of your day and help you take steps to achieve your goals to a happier, healthier you! Here are some ways for you to help us make that happen and for you to get the most out of your class!

1. Be on time and stay until everyone is finished. Being here when class starts, or better yet, a few minutes before, ensures that you don’t miss any of what we have planned for you when you step through the doors. While we understand that there will be times when you get stuck at home or at work and the best you can do is get here five minutes late, try to be in the habit of arriving on time. Those few extra minutes of mobility on a daily basis might just help you get deeper into your squat or a little bit faster on your run. Also, always stay until the last person is finished! Support and encouragement from everyone in the class is what makes a community great, and packing up if you finish before everyone else takes away from the camaraderie built from cheering on your friends.

2. Pay attention. Don’t be the person that asks “what are we doing again?” after the coach has just explained the workout. When your coach is briefing you on the workout, make sure you are paying attention to what they are saying. Don’t worry; there will be time to chat with your buddies during the strength portion, so save the chit chat for later. In addition to giving you the specifics of the workout, your coach may give you strategy to implement during the conditioning, or explain why you are squatting at a tempo, so give them your attention and try to learn something new every day!

3. Watch other people move. Not in a creepy way, but watching how others squat, push, pull, run, and jump, might just help you move a little better yourself. When you are partnered up with someone else in class, helping each other and giving tips here and there might just help improve your own technique. Obviously your coaches watch everyone as much as possible and give corrections, but being aware of others’ movement and paying attention to how they move, can benefit you and your fellow movers.

4. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask your coaches questions about what you’re doing or how to make something better. If you have questions about modifying an exercise, or steps you can take to improve your shoulder mobility, ask your coaches. We are here for you! If you are concerned about something, we will do our best to resolve it and give you the best advice we can.

5. Most importantly, have fun and embrace the community! You are a part of this community, whether you’ve been here for three weeks or three years! This should be one of the highlights of your day, so come in, have fun, make friends, and give your best – for yourself, your coaches, and for everyone around you. Enjoy engaging with the other members while taking a break from responsibilities at home, work, and from your phone. Welcome the new member who just completed fundamentals, find out something new about the person you always partner with, or partner with somebody different! If we all do our best to make somebody else smile, our community becomes happier, healthier, and the one hour we spend together will be the best part of your day!

Today's WOD:

Strength:  Deadlift (5, 3, 1)
                 (set 1) 5 reps @ 60%, 3 reps @ 70%, 1 rep @ 80%
                 (set 2) 5 reps @ 70%, 3 reps @ 80%, 1 rep @ 90%
                 (set 3) 5 reps @ 80%, 3 reps @ 90%, 1 reps @ 100%
"Happy Regionals" (this is a WOD from the 2013 Regionals)(10 min cap)
                 For time, complete 21-15-9 reps of the following:
                 Deadlift (315/205)
                 Box Jumps (30/24)

Yesterdays WOD:

                 ( pic this time)

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Level 2 BBC

“The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours – it is an amazing journey – and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”  — Bob Moawad

Level 2 BBC!!

OK Level 1 BBC Grads.... it's time to expand that knowledge and start breaking PR's. Level 1, Coach Mike taught you a broad stoking breakdown of how to accomplish a correct Clean and Jerk and Snatch... now, in Level 2, you will lift more and Coach Nick will fine tune those movements.

If you are interested and have completed the Level 1 please let either Coach Dennis or Coach Nick know... ( or

The plan is to start ASAP once we have a number of who all is interested. The Level 2 will be 8 weeks long, meeting on Saturdays after the 10am class is over. We would like to get started either this weekend or next, but we need your feedback.

The price will be $50 for the 8 weeks, please make any checks out to Nicholas Jones. More to come on the blog as well. Thank you!
Today's WOD:
A) Warm up: EMOM for 5 min (barbell only) complete:
      - 3 Thrusters
      - 10 Double Unders (x1 singles)
B) "Ch...Ch...Chipper"   (25 min cap)
     400m Run
     10 Sit ups
     20 Thrusters (95/65)
     30 Pull ups
     40 Double Unders (x2 Singles)
     50 Overhead Lunges (35/15)
     40 D/U's
     30 Pull ups
     20 Thrusters (95/65)
     10 Sit ups
     400m Run
Yesterdays WOD:

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Iron Mom - Couples Therapy - 5K on the Runway

"Change your thoughts...and you change your world" -Norman Vincent Peale

2014 Iron Mom

Family Services Society will be conducting it's 2014 half marathon on May 10th (next weekend).  This event is a incredibly important annual fundraiser for the society.  Family Services Society provides assistance such as food, clothing, utilities, medications, dental, eyeglasses, household goods, personal hygiene items and Christmas food assistance.  Family Service Society has been meeting the challenge of serving our community since 1927...and they depend on us to continue that very important service.  Lets get out and run it as an individual or as a team.  I will be running it...come join me! 

Couples Therapy

Here it is team.... our next competition.  270 CrossFit will be having a partner only competition June 14th.  They will have three categories...1) male/male, 2) female/female & 3) male/female.  Get your partner and start getting ready.  Registration will be the same day.  270 has created the event on Facebook... you can go there to track all the details as they evolve. 

5K on the Runway

If you don't feel like doing the partner competition...there try a 5k at the Barkley Regional Airport.  It's also on June 14th.... and the 5k is just 3.1 miles.  Leadership Paducah runs this event with the proceeds going "Child Watch".  An excellent reason to go run for 20-30 min.   You can sign up on 

Tomorrows WOD:

A)  Strength: EMOM for 9 min, complete: (from the floor)
       3 OHS (135/95)
       3 Push Ups
       ...then on the 10th min, complete AMRAP of OHS's.
B)   METCON: AMRAP in 12 min, complete the following:
       10 Shoulder 2 Overhead (100/65)
       15 Box Jumps (30/24)
       (must get 9rds to claim RX)

Friday's WOD:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tomorrows WOD

Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.”  — Paulo Coelho

Tomorrows WOD:

"Max Out Friday"
A) Take 25 min to build to a 1RM Squat Snatch
B) In 7 min, complete AMRAP of:
     - 10 Kettle Bells (53/35)
     - 20 Double Unders (x3 singles)

Today's WOD:

Remember! Battle of the Box's!!

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”  — Sun Tzu

Battle of the Box's!!

I know.,.. I know!!  I have beat this horse into the ground!!!...but I really do want as many people  to participate and/or come cheer as possible.  These events are SO much fun for athletes and spectators.  The bigger the event... the more excitement.  Ask the members who made the trip to Cookville to cheer on Mike, Chris and Nick!  It's a great time! 

BOB will start at 8:00-8:30 and run through the day to roughly 4:00-4:30.  CrossFit Murray is located at 311 Solar Drive in Murray.  Bring a chair...bring a cooler.. have some fun!!! 

Today's WOD:

A) Warm Up: EMOM for 5 min (using bar only):
     - 3 Thrusters
     - 3 OHS
B) METCON: Using a continuously running clock, run (2) 400 meter "sprints"..resting exactly 2 minutes after the second sprint...and after the last sprint...then complete:
    "The Air Force WOD" (20 min WOD cut off...this does not include the run time)
      - 20 Thrusters (95/65)
      - 20 SDHP
      - 20 Shoulder to Overhead
      - 20 Overhead Squats
      - 20 Front Squats
     ** 4 Burpees will be performed at the top of every minute **

 Yesterdays WOD: