Friday, May 16, 2014

New Building - New Fundy Grads!

“Since fear is mostly about ignorance, the best part is that it’s as temporary as you choose.”
— Christine Comaford

We have a new building!

Dig Deep family...we have lots of changes coming June, July and August....but the biggest was made official today. We signed the lease on the future home of CrossFit Dig Deep!!!

Baring any construction issues, 3660 James Sanders Blvd will be our new home by July 15th.

This facility will give us much needed public exposure and the ability to run more than one class at a time....and yes!!!...we will have showers!! 
To give you an idea of the size, our current building is 2,00 square feet...this on e is 6,000 square feet...with an option to go to 9,000 if we need it in the future. patient...we will post info as they come available! 

New Fundy's grads!

Welcome our newest members of CrossFit Dig Deep!!!  If you see them in the box...give them a hug and welcome them, to the family!

Todays WOD:
Max Out Friday!
A) In 30 min... (15 min each) accomplish as many HSPU's and Pull Ups as possible
    (HSPU can be strict of kipping...but as soon as you fall off the wall, the counting stops)
    (Pull Ups can be strict, kipping or butterfly...but as soon as you let go of the bar, the counting
     ** you can have as many attempts as possible w/in the time cap **
B) METCON:  Complete AMRAP in 10 min of:
     5 Push ups
     7 T2B
     9 Box Jumps (20")
Yesterdays WOD:


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