Sunday, May 4, 2014

Iron Mom - Couples Therapy - 5K on the Runway

"Change your thoughts...and you change your world" -Norman Vincent Peale

2014 Iron Mom

Family Services Society will be conducting it's 2014 half marathon on May 10th (next weekend).  This event is a incredibly important annual fundraiser for the society.  Family Services Society provides assistance such as food, clothing, utilities, medications, dental, eyeglasses, household goods, personal hygiene items and Christmas food assistance.  Family Service Society has been meeting the challenge of serving our community since 1927...and they depend on us to continue that very important service.  Lets get out and run it as an individual or as a team.  I will be running it...come join me! 

Couples Therapy

Here it is team.... our next competition.  270 CrossFit will be having a partner only competition June 14th.  They will have three categories...1) male/male, 2) female/female & 3) male/female.  Get your partner and start getting ready.  Registration will be the same day.  270 has created the event on Facebook... you can go there to track all the details as they evolve. 

5K on the Runway

If you don't feel like doing the partner competition...there try a 5k at the Barkley Regional Airport.  It's also on June 14th.... and the 5k is just 3.1 miles.  Leadership Paducah runs this event with the proceeds going "Child Watch".  An excellent reason to go run for 20-30 min.   You can sign up on 

Tomorrows WOD:

A)  Strength: EMOM for 9 min, complete: (from the floor)
       3 OHS (135/95)
       3 Push Ups
       ...then on the 10th min, complete AMRAP of OHS's.
B)   METCON: AMRAP in 12 min, complete the following:
       10 Shoulder 2 Overhead (100/65)
       15 Box Jumps (30/24)
       (must get 9rds to claim RX)

Friday's WOD:

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