Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wednesday's WOD

Tomorrows WOD

A) Take 25 min to complete the following gymnastic work:
     - 20 Pull Ups
     - 20 Toes too Bar (T2B)
     - 10 Chest too Bar (C2B)
     - 10 Knees too Elbow (K2E)
     - 5 Rope Climbs (wear socks)
     - 5 Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU)
B) METCON: In 10 min, complete the following...
     1 min of KB Swings (53/35)
     1 min rest
     (30 KB swings MUST be accomplished w/in the 1 min time provided...or a 3 burpee penalty per
      KB swing that was NOT accomplished will be enforced.  The Burpees will be completed during
      the 1 min rest period)

Today's WOD:

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