Tuesday, May 20, 2014

WODIFY Login -- Memorial Day Murph!!

"The good guy doesn’t always win and justice doesn’t always prevail, but where you direct your mental energy will always determine your attitude and it will always be controlled by you.”
– Steve Siebold

(yes...I am posting the same 2 subjects...2 days in a row...hint...hint...hint...)

Check Your e-mail!!

Alright Dig Deep... we are now LIVE with WODIFY.  Everyone should have been sent a "Welcome" e-mail from WODIFY tonight....if you DID NOT...let Dennis know by sending him a text @ 270-331-3731. 

This e-mail is "step 1" in our integration process.  As soon as we get everyone's e-mail is correct, a follow-up e-mail will be sent with directions to update your financial information. 

Please let me know IMMEDIATELY if you did not receive an e-mail. 

....for the ladies.
Memorial Day Murph on Saturday AND Monday!!

We are revising our schedule for Murph. 

Yes, we are still having it on Saturday (24th)...at both 9:00am and 10:30am...but cancelling the noon option.  The good news is, we are going to do it again on Monday (26th) at 9:00am as well!  We will ALSO add a "normal" WOD at 10:30am on Monday for those that did Murph on Saturday and still want to get their WOD in on Monday!  As before.. sign up for Murph on the white board! 

Tomorrows WOD:
Strength: 5 sets of 5 rep Push Press (65%-75% 1Rm)
                (athlete must hold each push press for 5 seconds at the top)
               For time, complete 150 Wall balls (20/14) (10/9)
Todays WOD:

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