Monday, July 22, 2013

CrossFit Games on ESPN3

"Attitude controls our lives.  Attitudes are a secret power working 24 hours a day...for good...or for bad.  It is up to us to control and harness this great power."   Tom Blandi

Today's WOD:

For Time:
800m Run
30 Power Cleans (155/105)
800m Run
30 Muscle Ups (x2 Ring Dips)

CrossFit Games on ESPN3

Tomorrow (23 July - 25 July) the Masters Athletes (40 and older) will be competing. No laughing, I am in this category...and they are better than I am.  The headlining athletes will start on Friday and run through Sunday.  Again.. all of it will be broadcast on ESPN3.  Not sure if anyone locally can get this on their cable or dish network...but you can get It on your local computer.  You can even HDMI it into your flat screen TV and watch it. 

Sitting Service

I am trying to organize a Day Care service at the box.... More to come on that...but I hope to have it up in August. 

Credit Cards

I purchased some software today that will allow us to use credit cards for membership, and anything we sell at the box.  Give me a few days to get this up and running and I will provide more info.  This WILL be ready by August 1st. 

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