Friday, November 29, 2013

Food Donation Totals - Ugly Christmas Sweater

"I had to spend countless hours, above and beyond the basic practice time, to try and perfect the fundamentals of my trade"  -Julius Irving
Tomorrows WOD:
5 Rounds for time:
3 Snatches (95/65)
15 OHS (95/65)
Run 400 meters
Thanksgiving Food Donation
WOW!!!!  All I can say is WOW!!  Deep Dig family really came through.  We collected a total of 504 items of non-perishable food for the local food shelter.  I can only imagine how many hungry people that will feed.  I am amazed and proud of all of you that took the time to bring in your food.  I plan on making this an annual next year we have to break 600 at least. 
Now... for the fun part (or not so fun part, depending on your perspective).  Who will be doing the burpees??  The totals are as follows:
Coach Mike: 82
Coach Ashlee: 124
Coach Nick: 135
Me (Dennis): 161
So Nick and I will be having our burpee party sometime prior to New Years.  We will announce it ahead of time in case anyone wants to come enjoy watching the misery. 
Ugly Christmas Sweater WOD
Ok gang... go out and find your ugliest Christmas sweater and wear it to the box on Saturday, Dec 14th.  Go to the local Salvation Army.... Goodwill.... Grandma... etc and get the ugliest sweater you can find.  We will take a group photo prior to the WOD...and the you will need to do the WOD IN THE sweater.  We will have the door open to promote the sweater.  :-) 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!! - Casey Looper's Transformation

"As you shall you become"  -Bruce Lee
Tomorrow WOD (1pm)
To be determined by the size of class. 
Small will be individual WOD...large will be partner WOD.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dig Deep family...from Coach Ashlee, Coach Mike, Coach Nick and me... We would like to wish everyone a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for. We have jobs, our health, food on our tables, GREAT friends in and out of the box....and most importantly our families.

I personally want to say, that ALL of you have become part of my extended family and each of you have... helped me to realize my dream of owning a box and change lives. I hope for each of you, i want you all to be successful, I get excited with you when you reach a new goal and I hurt with you when you have a bad day.

You ARE ALL my family!!

Have a great Thanksgiving and I hope to see you tomorrow to work off that dressing.

Casey Looper's Transformation
This past July, I was sitting on my couch about to leave to go on vacation.  I was tired and worn down because I had been practically starving myself and working really hard to finally reach my goal of that bikini body that every girl dreams of.  Unfortunately there was still no bikini packed away in my luggage.
As I sat there, I reviewed the past 9 months and all the hard work I had put into the Zumba classes, body pump classes, boot camps, and running.  Still though, I was getting little to no results.  I was frustrated and exhausted from running around trying to make every possible class I could. I thought to myself "how can I possibly do this for the rest of my life and remain a happy girl?"   I knew the answer-I couldn't…there was no way!
I was somewhat familiar with CrossFit at the time, but I had no idea where to start or if I could even do what they do.  So, I decided to do a little research and found CrossFit Dig Deep in Paducah.  I liked them on Facebook and the rest is history. 
On August 5th, I started their fundamentals class.  It was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Exactly what my body wanted and needed.  Also, I was welcomed with open arms by my new CrossFit family.
Now, barely 3 months later and I AM addicted.  I not only LOVE CrossFit Dig Deep, but the people that go there are more than just my friends, they are my second family.  My life has changed forever.  My body has changed forever.  I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be.  I am the happiest I've been in a long…long time. To me, the coolest part about CrossFit is that I've stopped worrying so much about my body and number on the scale-now I focus more on getting stronger and reaching non scale related victories…and for the first time in a long time…I can actually look in the mirror, and smile.  


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

December Fundamentals - Freinds And Family Day - Girls Night Out is Coming!!

"In the middle of a difficulty lies opportunity"  -Albert Einstein

LAST MINUTE CHANGE!!!   Do to a popular request, there WILL be a WOD on Friday @ 1pm.  Open Gym will be from 2-5 only. 

Today's WOD:

A) Front Squat
    Set 1 - 5 reps @ 70% - 75% of 1 rep max
    Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80% - 85% of 1 rep max
    Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90-95% of 1 rep max
    Set 4 - 8 - 5 reps @ 75% - 80% of 1 rep max
    *rest 2 minutes between sets*
B) Two sets...each for sepperate time of:
   100 Double Unders (x2 singles)
   75 Kettle Bells (53/35)
   50 Push Press (75/55) (NO DROPPING BARBELLS)
 *rest 5 min between sets)
December Fundamentals 

CrossFit Try It... You will Love It! 

Class starts December 2nd....and ends December 10th.

We have reformatted the class.... Fundamentals is now a 2 week (5 day) course that last one hour per session and runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday of week 1...and ...Monday and Tuesday of week 2. We have 2 classes.  One at 11:00am - 12:00 noon and one at 7:30 - 8:30.  For any NEW athletes, successful completion of the Fundamentals class is required in order to participate in our regular CrossFit group classes. The cost of the program, PLUS 10 weeks of UNLIMITED membership is $199. (cash, check or charge due before your first class). This is a GREAT DEAL. You get a 3 month UNLIMITED membership for $199.... that is normally $270 for the same 3 months.

If you don't absolutely LOVE CrossFit at the completion of the 3 week course and you want to cancel the remaining membership, we will refund $150 of the fee. No questions asked.   Ask ANY current member..... CrossFit is GREAT!!..the family environment...the push and encouragement among the members pushing each other to do better and get stronger.....and everyone CAN do it.

Please reserve your spot in the next class by emailing us at

Friends And Family Day!!

This Saturday is "Friends and Family" Day. Bring a friend or family member for a free introductory WOD at 11:00am. Show them what CrossFit is and how they can get in shape and change their lives!  No need to sign up...just show up for the WOD at 11:00.

Girls Night Out Is Coming
Yes... we are having a "Girls Night Out" on December 7th!  More info to follow after Thanksgiving, but here is the jest of the plan:
- We will be meeting here at the box. (time to be determined)
- We will van-pool (with already selected designated drivers...aka, chauffer's) to Casey Looper's salon for some makeup and hair primping by Casey herself!!  (THANKS CASEY!)
- From the salon we will go to a local winery...still discussing which one is best
- Possibly have dinner downtown
- From that point it will be a "play it by ear" and do whatever the group decides on. (Remember - - "what happens during LADIES NIGHT OUT...stay at ladies night out)
- The end of the night we will come back to the box, where you are welcome to stay the night here (bring a pillow and blanket) and sleep any "adult beverages" off, call a cab, or the DD's can drive you home...whatever you prefer.  I don't want any hero's saying.."Ohhhh... I am really ok".  That's a BAD plan.

More to come soon....but mark your's going to be fun. 


Monday, November 25, 2013

Donations For Jared Bullock

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.  The saddest summary of life contains three things: could have, might have and should have"  -Louis E. Boone

Donations For Jared Bullock
I want to thank everyone for their donations and for making the trip to Metropolis for the HERO WOD.  If you still want to donate (and I hope everyone will) there will be a bucket on our counter through the rest of this week. 

 Patrick Howell (owner of SCCF) said it best..."the military will spare no expense to give Jared the very best medical attention....the family however will receive NOTHING".  No assistance for travel to Germany or Texas to stay with their husband and father...nothing to help pay for the hotels and meals....nothing.  As many of you know, travel gets expensive and there are always the "little" things that you never think of that add up quick.  They need our help...they need him as much as he needs them!! 

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Three sets not for time of:
   - Handstand Push Ups (10-12)
   - GHD Hip Extensions
   - Rope Climbs (x2)
B) Six sets of:
    Hang Clean + Push Press + Jerk
    (hang clean is performed from above the knee...Clean the bar once, then push from shoulders...then jerk from shoulders….bar can not be set down until series is complete.  
C) Buy Out - 3 sets of 10-12 V-Up sit ups with a wall ball in hands.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Donations for Jared Bullock - Thanksgiving Hours

"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature...beautiful old people are works of art" 
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tomorrows WOD:
A) Back Squat
     Set 1 - 5 reps @70% - 75%
     Set 2 - 3 reps @ 80% - 85%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90% - 95%
     Set 4 - 8  -  3 reps @ 85% - 90%
B) Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes, perform:
     Hang Snatch (x1 rep) @ 75% of 1rm
     * snatch will start at the "above the knee" position*
C) Three sets of the follow for MAX reps:
      - 30 Seconds of pull-ups
      - 30 seconds of rest
      - 30 seconds of Burpees
      - 30 seconds of rest
Donations For Jared Bullock
I want to thank everyone for their donations and for making the trip to Metropolis for the HERO WOD.  If you still want to donate (and I hope everyone will) there will be a bucket on our counter through the rest of this week. 
Patrick Howell (owner of SCCF) said it best..."the military will spare no expense to give Jared the very best medical attention....the family however will receive NOTHING".  No assistance for travel to Germany or Texas to stay with their husband and father...nothing to help pay for the hotels and meals....nothing.  As many of you know, travel gets expensive and there are always the "little" things that you never think of that add up quick.  They need our help...they need him as much as he needs them!! 
Thanksgiving Hours

I have posted this once before...but I made a change and wanted to make it had a special heading on the Blog so everyone is sure to see it.  I did change the hours on the 27th so everyone that has a normal work day can get their WOD in.  We will have the following hours during Thanksgiving time frame:
Wednesday the 27th (Normal Hours)
Thursday the 28th (Closed)
Friday the 29th ( gym only)
Saturday / Sunday  (Normal Hours)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Super City CrossFit HERO WOD

"A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools" 

Tomorrows WOD:

21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlifts (225/155)

Super City CrossFit

One last reminder.  We have a very important HERO WOD starting at 11:00 tomorrow at SCCF. 

Jared Bullock (a member of SCCF) was seriously injured November 13th in Afghanistan. This WOD is to raise money for him and his family during this very difficult time. 

If you are planning on attending the 5k race, it will be over by 9:00 - 9:30.  The SCCF WOD starts at 11:00am.  Plenty of time to relax...recover and get to Metropolis and support Jared and his family.  I will be there...I hope you all find the time in your busy schedules to make this happen!!!

Super City CrossFit
214 West 7th St
Metropolis, Illinois

We will still have our normal hours (9:00am and 10:00am) for all those members that can't make it to Metropolis. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Hours - Hoodies/Wraps - 2 Hour Mobility Clinic

" Give thanks for a little...and you will find a lot"

Tomorrow WOD:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min of:
       40 Sit Ups
      - THEN-
       3 Rounds of:
       5 Pull Ups
       10 Push Ups
       15 Squats

Thanksgiving Hours

I have posted this once before...but I made a change and wanted to make it had a special heading on the Blog so everyone is sure to see it.  I did change the hours on the 27th so everyone that has a normal work day can get their WOD in.  We will have the following hours during Thanksgiving time frame:
Wednesday the 27th (Normal Hours)
Thursday the 28th (Closed)
Friday the 29th ( gym only)
Saturday / Sunday  (Normal Hours)

Hoodies/Wrist Wraps

Hoodies - - I have closed the request for hoodies.  So now I will be placing the order.  However, the order comes to $1,600+ and I cant pay that in advance.  So, If you ordered a hoodie, I need you to pre-pay for it please.  They will be $40 each. They are nice hoodies...just like the shirts were a nice shirt.  I don't do stuff cheap.  I expect this to be uncomfortable for some of you to pay and not know if you will like it...I know...I am the same way.  If when they come in, you don't want it, I will refund your $$.  I hope that is a agreeable.   Please try to take care of this by very early next week so I can get the ball rolling.  It's COLD outside!!
Wrist Wraps - - I ordered 30 of these and only 8 are left.  If you are interested, get it soon! 

2 Hour Mobility Clinic

We need to move the mobility clinic from this coming Sunday to Dec 1st.  Too many conflicts arose. Sorry.  The clinic is free, but we do have a max of 12 people.  Please sign up at the box.  Again, Sunday, Dec 1st, from 1-3 at the box.  This will be focused on using a roller, softballs, lacrosse balls, and other items. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One World 5K Run & Super City HERO WOD

"At the center of your being, you have the answer: you know who you are and you know what you want"
Tomorrow WOD:
A) Take 15 min to build to a 1rm Snatch
B) Take 15 min to build to a 1rm Clean
C) 4 sets of Front Squat (x 1rep)
   *rest 2 minutes*
5K Run and HERO WOD @ SuperCity CrossFit
 Yes, we have (2) events this weekend

As you all know, we have our 5K One World Aids Run to support a very worthy cause as well as advertise that Paducah has a CrossFit box.  The race starts at 9:00am and registration ends at you should probably be there NLT 7:00 - 7:15 to park, register and stretch.  We will have our CFDD booth set up, so if your running, come by and say hi.  If you are volunteering, please be there by 7:30am.  I will be there earlier to set up the tent and start the water for the hot chocolate. 

....we ALSO MUST support Super City CrossFit as much as we possibly can. They are doing a HERO, not a CrossFit Hero WOD...but a WOD to support one of their own HERO's. 

Jared Bullock (a member of SCCF) was seriously injured November 13th in Afghanistan. This WOD is to raise money for him and his family during this very difficult time. 

If you are planning on attending the 5k race, it will be over by 9:00 - 9:30.  The SCCF WOD starts at 11:00am.  Plenty of time to relax...recover and get to Metropolis and support Jared and his family.  I will be there...I hope you all find the time in your busy schedules to make this happen!!!

Super City CrossFit
214 West 7th St
Metropolis, Illinois

We will still have our normal hours (9:00am and 10:00am) for all those members that can't make it to Metropolis. 

20 Nov 2013


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5K This weekend!!!

"Challenge yourself everyday to do better and be better.  Remember, growth starts with a decision to move beyond your present circumstances".  Robert Tew
Tomorrow WOD:
A)  Three sets, not for time of:
     - Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (10-12 reps)
     - Double Unders (x 30 Reps)
     - Rings Dips (8-10) or Muscle Ups (2-3)
B)   AMRAP in 15 min of:
     - 10 Burpees
     - 15 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) (10ft/9ft)
     - 20 Regional Style Box Jumps (24”/ 20”)
C)  Buy Out - 2 sets of 50 ab mat sit ups
5K "One World Run" (Run for Aids)

Remember everyone...we have a community event coming up this next weekend (Nov 23rd) in Bob Nobel Park.  It would be great if everyone can try to support it.  Registration is at 8am.  You can register on "" or register at the event that morning. 

This is a 2-fold event for us.  1) You can run the race, wear your Dig Deep t-shirt, get a little exercise and show your CrossFit colors....and 2) We will have a tent set up with our CFDD banner.  We will be handing out hot chocolate and answering the "What Is CrossFit" question.  We will have 5x7 cards made up to hand out to everyone...encouraging them to come the next Saturday to our free intro class at the box.  We "might" do a little fun wod there in the park...we will see how the weather holds up.
Come on out and support your box! 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Paleo Results - Wrist Wraps - Hoodies

"In order to succeed, you must be willing to fail"
Tomorrows WOD:
A) Four Sets of Jerk Balance Practice(x3)
    Climbing weight as you go
    Rest 2 min between sets
B) Six sets of:
    - Split Jerk x1 rep @ 80-90%
      Rest as needed
C) EMOM for 12 min…
    - 2 unbroken “touch and go” Power Cleans
    - 2 Muscle Ups (5 Ring Dips)

* REMINDER.... Dig Deep will only be open until Noon on the (27th)...closed on Thanksgiving Day (28th) and open from 1-4 only on the (29th).
Paleo Results
Well, the 50 day challenge is over and hopefully we all have a better appreciation for eating "clean".  I also hope you ALL have the word "DIET" out of your system and now agree that Paleo is truly NOT a diet...but a way of life.  You can eat all you want, just so you eat clean, fresh foods with NO salt or sugar.  Pretty simple really. 
One question I was asked many times was "I started losing weight soon...then it quit.  Why?"  I am willing to bet this happened to a lot of you (even the men, but they didn't step on the scales to check so much) and you got frustrated, even a little agitated.  My advice to everyone is to STAY OFF the scales!!!  Eat clean....get to the box and WOD hard and let the weight take care of itself!!! 
What is happening is that your body immediately drops a significant portion of your unneeded fuel (fat)...then, as you continue to workout, you start replacing that fat with muscle.  Muscle weighs MORE than fat.  See below...
Casey Looper is a great example.  She only lost 4lbs of actual body weight...but she also dropped 3 sizes in her pants...not to mention her shirt sizes.  Sooo how is that possible?  Because she gained muscle!  She was gracious enough to send me her pics and show everyone.  She looks GREAT!!!!   Good job Casey!!!
Before on the left...After on the right (as if you needed me to tell you)

Wrist Wraps and Hoodies
Wrist Wraps are in.  I was only able to buy 25 pair, so be sure and get your soon.  $25 each...same price as on-line but these are our own "Dig Deep" wraps!  They look great!  We also received another shipment of Rogue jump ropes. 
Hoodies...  The cut off for placing your order is this Wednesday.  The sign up sheet is by the white board.  Speak now or forever hold your peace. 

18 Nov 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Brookport Donations - Run for Aids - Thanksgiving Food Drive

" Life isn't about FINDING is about CREATING yourself"  George Bernard Shaw

Tomorrows WOD

A) Back Squat…
   Set 1 - 5 reps @ 75% of 1 rm
   Set 2 - 3 reps @ 85% of 1 rm
   Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90% of 1 rm
   Set 4 - 1 rep @ 95% of 1 rm
   Set 5 - 1 rep @ 95-105 of 1 rm
   Set 6 - 3 reps @ 90 @ of 1 rm
   * rest 3 min between sets*
B) EMOM for 20 min complete:
   - 4 Power Snatches (about 60% of 1 rm)
   - 8 KB Swings (70/53)
C) 3 sets, not for time of GHD sit ups

Brookport Donations!!

If anyone would like to give any blankets, cases of water, non-perishable food donations, etc, etc to I understand it, the First Baptist Church in Brookport is the place to take them.  (700 Pell Rd, Brookport)  I know information is still coming in...and I will do my best to keep posting info here on the blog. 

5K "One World Run" (Run for Aids)

Remember everyone...we have a community event coming up this next weekend (Nov 23rd) in Bob Nobel Park.  It would be great if everyone can try to support it.  Registration is at 8am.  You can register on "" or register at the event that morning. 

This is a 2-fold event for us.  1) You can run the race, wear your Dig Deep t-shirt, get a little exercise and show your CrossFit colors....and 2) We will have a tent set up with our CFDD banner.  We will be handing out hot chocolate and answering the "What Is CrossFit" question.  We will have 5x7 cards made up to hand out to everyone...encouraging them to come the next Saturday to our free intro class at the box.  We "might" do a little fun wod there in the park...we will see how the weather holds up.
Come on out and support your box! 

Thanksgiving Food Drive

As most of you know, we have our Thanksgiving Food drive going on.  There are A LOT of homeless and jobless people in our community that need our help.  I am encouraging everyone to bring in a non-perishable food item to donate each time they wod.  Its not a lot to ask to make sure people who are hungry don't go without. 

To encourage this, we are hold a coaches competition.  The coach with the MOST food in their basket is required to work that food off and do 3 burpees for every item collected.  The second place coach has to do 1 burpee for every item collected.  The 3rd and 4th place coach have no such fun. 

Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Blog Is Back!

"Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble and reasonable confidence in your own cannot be successful or happy."  Norman Vincent Peale

The BLOG Wins!

For the last few months, I have been trying to decide which method is better for disseminating information to everyone.  I used the BLOG for a while...used Facebook for a while and even did both simultaneously.  It seems like the BLOG is the most reliable way to get info to out to everyone.  With FB it is hit or miss that everyone sees the news.  With that being said, we will begin using this media to post ALL (100%) of our CFDD information.  FB will be used ONLY to post pics and public items like new Fundamentals classes. 

WOD Postings

Beginning 1 Dec....or as soon as possible, I will begin posting the daily WOD's no later than 6:00am the morning of the workout.  I have to admit, I am a bit hesitant that this will cause "some" athletes to not come do the work....however, I guess we will see who wants to get fit.  The reason I am posting it early, is so you all can have an opportunity to look up the work to be performed and come to the box better prepared.  I know I speak for all the coaches...we want you ALL to the better you are mentally prepared...the better your workout will be. 

Dig Deep Christmas Party!!!!

As most of you know, we have made reservations as Patti's on Dec 15th @ 7:30pm for our box Christmas Party.  We are limited to 48 seats and so far we have 33 committed.  If you wish to come, please sign up on the clip board at the box.  As soon as all the seats are taken, we must close the list. 

Girls Night Out! 

Coach Ashlee is organizing a girls night out on Dec 7th.  More details to follow.  As of now, we have two vans available with designated drivers for both vehicles.  The goal is to find fun places to go (Purple Toad Winery, etc) and give the ladies a time to bond without worrying about driving.  Please contact Ashlee with questions.  We will post info as it come available...but let Ashlee know NOW if you want to be included. 

This months WODS....