Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One World 5K Run & Super City HERO WOD

"At the center of your being, you have the answer: you know who you are and you know what you want"
Tomorrow WOD:
A) Take 15 min to build to a 1rm Snatch
B) Take 15 min to build to a 1rm Clean
C) 4 sets of Front Squat (x 1rep)
   *rest 2 minutes*
5K Run and HERO WOD @ SuperCity CrossFit
 Yes, we have (2) events this weekend

As you all know, we have our 5K One World Aids Run to support a very worthy cause as well as advertise that Paducah has a CrossFit box.  The race starts at 9:00am and registration ends at you should probably be there NLT 7:00 - 7:15 to park, register and stretch.  We will have our CFDD booth set up, so if your running, come by and say hi.  If you are volunteering, please be there by 7:30am.  I will be there earlier to set up the tent and start the water for the hot chocolate. 

....we ALSO MUST support Super City CrossFit as much as we possibly can. They are doing a HERO, not a CrossFit Hero WOD...but a WOD to support one of their own HERO's. 

Jared Bullock (a member of SCCF) was seriously injured November 13th in Afghanistan. This WOD is to raise money for him and his family during this very difficult time. 

If you are planning on attending the 5k race, it will be over by 9:00 - 9:30.  The SCCF WOD starts at 11:00am.  Plenty of time to relax...recover and get to Metropolis and support Jared and his family.  I will be there...I hope you all find the time in your busy schedules to make this happen!!!

Super City CrossFit
214 West 7th St
Metropolis, Illinois

We will still have our normal hours (9:00am and 10:00am) for all those members that can't make it to Metropolis. 

20 Nov 2013


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