Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Hours - Hoodies/Wraps - 2 Hour Mobility Clinic

" Give thanks for a little...and you will find a lot"

Tomorrow WOD:

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 min of:
       40 Sit Ups
      - THEN-
       3 Rounds of:
       5 Pull Ups
       10 Push Ups
       15 Squats

Thanksgiving Hours

I have posted this once before...but I made a change and wanted to make it had a special heading on the Blog so everyone is sure to see it.  I did change the hours on the 27th so everyone that has a normal work day can get their WOD in.  We will have the following hours during Thanksgiving time frame:
Wednesday the 27th (Normal Hours)
Thursday the 28th (Closed)
Friday the 29th ( gym only)
Saturday / Sunday  (Normal Hours)

Hoodies/Wrist Wraps

Hoodies - - I have closed the request for hoodies.  So now I will be placing the order.  However, the order comes to $1,600+ and I cant pay that in advance.  So, If you ordered a hoodie, I need you to pre-pay for it please.  They will be $40 each. They are nice hoodies...just like the shirts were a nice shirt.  I don't do stuff cheap.  I expect this to be uncomfortable for some of you to pay and not know if you will like it...I know...I am the same way.  If when they come in, you don't want it, I will refund your $$.  I hope that is a agreeable.   Please try to take care of this by very early next week so I can get the ball rolling.  It's COLD outside!!
Wrist Wraps - - I ordered 30 of these and only 8 are left.  If you are interested, get it soon! 

2 Hour Mobility Clinic

We need to move the mobility clinic from this coming Sunday to Dec 1st.  Too many conflicts arose. Sorry.  The clinic is free, but we do have a max of 12 people.  Please sign up at the box.  Again, Sunday, Dec 1st, from 1-3 at the box.  This will be focused on using a roller, softballs, lacrosse balls, and other items. 

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