Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Blog Is Back!

"Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble and reasonable confidence in your own cannot be successful or happy."  Norman Vincent Peale

The BLOG Wins!

For the last few months, I have been trying to decide which method is better for disseminating information to everyone.  I used the BLOG for a while...used Facebook for a while and even did both simultaneously.  It seems like the BLOG is the most reliable way to get info to out to everyone.  With FB it is hit or miss that everyone sees the news.  With that being said, we will begin using this media to post ALL (100%) of our CFDD information.  FB will be used ONLY to post pics and public items like new Fundamentals classes. 

WOD Postings

Beginning 1 Dec....or as soon as possible, I will begin posting the daily WOD's no later than 6:00am the morning of the workout.  I have to admit, I am a bit hesitant that this will cause "some" athletes to not come do the work....however, I guess we will see who wants to get fit.  The reason I am posting it early, is so you all can have an opportunity to look up the work to be performed and come to the box better prepared.  I know I speak for all the coaches...we want you ALL to the better you are mentally prepared...the better your workout will be. 

Dig Deep Christmas Party!!!!

As most of you know, we have made reservations as Patti's on Dec 15th @ 7:30pm for our box Christmas Party.  We are limited to 48 seats and so far we have 33 committed.  If you wish to come, please sign up on the clip board at the box.  As soon as all the seats are taken, we must close the list. 

Girls Night Out! 

Coach Ashlee is organizing a girls night out on Dec 7th.  More details to follow.  As of now, we have two vans available with designated drivers for both vehicles.  The goal is to find fun places to go (Purple Toad Winery, etc) and give the ladies a time to bond without worrying about driving.  Please contact Ashlee with questions.  We will post info as it come available...but let Ashlee know NOW if you want to be included. 

This months WODS....

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