Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!! - Casey Looper's Transformation

"As you shall you become"  -Bruce Lee
Tomorrow WOD (1pm)
To be determined by the size of class. 
Small will be individual WOD...large will be partner WOD.
Happy Thanksgiving
Dig Deep family...from Coach Ashlee, Coach Mike, Coach Nick and me... We would like to wish everyone a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!!

We have so much to be thankful for. We have jobs, our health, food on our tables, GREAT friends in and out of the box....and most importantly our families.

I personally want to say, that ALL of you have become part of my extended family and each of you have... helped me to realize my dream of owning a box and change lives. I hope for each of you, i want you all to be successful, I get excited with you when you reach a new goal and I hurt with you when you have a bad day.

You ARE ALL my family!!

Have a great Thanksgiving and I hope to see you tomorrow to work off that dressing.

Casey Looper's Transformation
This past July, I was sitting on my couch about to leave to go on vacation.  I was tired and worn down because I had been practically starving myself and working really hard to finally reach my goal of that bikini body that every girl dreams of.  Unfortunately there was still no bikini packed away in my luggage.
As I sat there, I reviewed the past 9 months and all the hard work I had put into the Zumba classes, body pump classes, boot camps, and running.  Still though, I was getting little to no results.  I was frustrated and exhausted from running around trying to make every possible class I could. I thought to myself "how can I possibly do this for the rest of my life and remain a happy girl?"   I knew the answer-I couldn't…there was no way!
I was somewhat familiar with CrossFit at the time, but I had no idea where to start or if I could even do what they do.  So, I decided to do a little research and found CrossFit Dig Deep in Paducah.  I liked them on Facebook and the rest is history. 
On August 5th, I started their fundamentals class.  It was EXACTLY what I was looking for. Exactly what my body wanted and needed.  Also, I was welcomed with open arms by my new CrossFit family.
Now, barely 3 months later and I AM addicted.  I not only LOVE CrossFit Dig Deep, but the people that go there are more than just my friends, they are my second family.  My life has changed forever.  My body has changed forever.  I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be.  I am the happiest I've been in a long…long time. To me, the coolest part about CrossFit is that I've stopped worrying so much about my body and number on the scale-now I focus more on getting stronger and reaching non scale related victories…and for the first time in a long time…I can actually look in the mirror, and smile.  


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