Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dig Deep is Open! - New Fundamentals Class

"Just because Fate doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn't mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential." -Les Brown

Dig Deep is Open

If you can safely get out of your house...driveway and road...come get your WOD on.  

New Fundamentals Class

Paducah.... we weren't going to have a "Fundamentals" in February...but the demand is just to great...soooo it's ON!!! 

Class will Start Monday, February 9th and class size WILL BE LIMITED to the first 8 athletes to sign up AND pay. 

Fundamentals is a 9 day course that last one hour per session and runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:30pm. An athlete MUST attend EACH of the 9 classes to successfully graduate. Graduation of Fundamentals is required in order to participate in regular CrossFit group classes.

The cost of the program, PLUS 3 months of UNLIMITED membership is $199. (cash, check or charge due before your first class). This is a GREAT DEAL. You get a 3 month UNLIMITED membership for $199.... that is normally $270 for the same 3 months.

If you don't absolutely LOVE CrossFit at the completion of the course and you want to cancel the remaining membership, we will refund 50% of the fee. No questions asked.

Ask ANY current member..... CrossFit is GREAT!!...the family environment...the push and encouragement among the members pushing each other to do better and get stronger.....and everyone CAN do it.

Please reserve your spot in the next class by emailing us at call/text 270-331-3731.

Today's WOD:

A. Five sets of: 
    Halting Clean Deadlift (halt for 3-5 sec at the end of the first pull)  + Hang Clean + Clean
    Rest 2-minutes
B. For time: (20 min time cap)
    1000m Row
    50 Burpee Over Barbell
    75 Push Press (75/55 lb)

Yesterdays WOD:

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