Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Membership Discount - Activity Center - Valentines Day WOD!!

""Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours."
-Audrey Hepburn

Membership Discount

Remember... If you pay in advance for 5 months, you get your 6th month free. This offer will end April 31st.

Activity Center

Dig Deep.... Why do we CrossFit??? 

To look good naked? ....

......well....yes...but also so we can get out and do fitness activities and have FUN!! Danni and Heather have taken it on their shoulders to keep up or "Activity" boxes. Take a look at them from time to time. See if there is a 5k ride...CrossFit event, etc that you would enjoy. You CrossFit!!!!....get out there and put that bad-ass body to good use!!!

Valentines Day WOD!!

We will have normal hours on Valentines day... come on out and get your WOD on.  No... I wont tell you what it is yet, but it will be a partner WOD and be based on...yes... the #14.  It's going to be fun...

OMG!!!  It's 32 degrees?!?!

Yes.. we have finally getting some warmer weather.  We will be opening the garage door soon and stashing the rowers for some running.  Keep your fingers crossed that it will hold out for more than a few days.  

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Two sets, not for time, of: (15 min cap)
     800m warm up run
B. Six sets of: (15 min cap) (building as you go)(don't lower past the front rack during a set)
     Push Press + Push Jerk
     Rest 2 minutes between sets
C. Five rounds for time of:
     6 Handstand Push-ups / 2ea - 5 second Handstand Holds
     9 Power Clean (155/105)
     12 Burpees Over Bar

Today's WOD:

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