Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Membership Drive!

"I failed my way to success" -Thomas Eddison

Membership Drive!!

OK Dig Deep...we are holding a membership drive from February 15th to May 15th.  The member with the most Fundamental graduates referrals during this time, will receive a new...custom pair of Nano 3's.  The winner will get to go on-line to Reebok and customize their shoes and Dig Deep will take care of the tab.  Keep telling your friends about CrossFit and how much you LOVE doing Hero WOD's.  :-)  

Dig Deep is now accepting sign ups for our March Fundamentals class. 

Class will Start Monday, March 3rd and class size WILL BE LIMITED to the first 8 athletes to sign up AND pay. 

Fundamentals is a 9 day course that last one hour per se
ssion and runs Monday, Tuesday and Thursday @ 7:30pm. An athlete MUST attend EACH of the 9 classes to successfully graduate. Graduation of Fundamentals is required in order to participate in regular CrossFit group classes.

The cost of the program, PLUS 3 months of UNLIMITED membership is $199. (cash, check or charge due before your first class). This is a GREAT DEAL. You get a 3 month UNLIMITED membership for $199.... that is normally $270 for the same 3 months.

Ask ANY current member..... CrossFit is GREAT!!...the family environment...the push and encouragement among the members pushing each other to do better and get stronger.....and everyone CAN do it.

Please reserve your spot in the next class by emailing us at info@crossfitdigdeep.com...or call/text 270-331-3731

Today's WOD:

A) Warm up

B) "Badger"
     Complete 3rds of the following for time:
     - 30 Squat Cleans (95/ 65)
     - 30 Pull-ups
     - 800m Run

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Take 15 minutes to build to today’s heavy:
     Push Press + Power Jerk (off the rig)

B. AMRAP in 20 min of:
    - 20 Burpee over Barbell
    - 15 Push Press (165/115)
    - 10 HRPU
    - 5 Muscle Ups (x3 Ring Dips)

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