Sunday, May 11, 2014


"Winners don't sit around and wait for their chance....they go out and take them"

Congratulations to all our "Iron Mom" Dig Deep ladies that went out and conquered their doubts this weekend....and had FUN doing it!  Many of you were amazed at how well you did with no "training".  Seriously?  You DO train...every day you show up for class you are training.  The WODs we create for you are not just to get you strong...they get you healthy and demand cardio from your body!  You lay on the floor gasping for air when the WOD is done...because you are exhausted.  You ARE training!

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Strength:  Complete 5 sets of 3 Squat Cleans @ 70-80% of your 1rm. (all cleans must start from the floor with minimal (if any) rest between each set of 3).  Rest exactly 2 min between sets
B) Metcon:  AMRAP in 15 min of:
     - 400 m run
     - 10 Pull ups
     - 20 Push Ups
     - 30 Air squats

Saturdays WOD:

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