Thursday, May 1, 2014

Remember! Battle of the Box's!!

“Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”  — Sun Tzu

Battle of the Box's!!

I know.,.. I know!!  I have beat this horse into the ground!!!...but I really do want as many people  to participate and/or come cheer as possible.  These events are SO much fun for athletes and spectators.  The bigger the event... the more excitement.  Ask the members who made the trip to Cookville to cheer on Mike, Chris and Nick!  It's a great time! 

BOB will start at 8:00-8:30 and run through the day to roughly 4:00-4:30.  CrossFit Murray is located at 311 Solar Drive in Murray.  Bring a chair...bring a cooler.. have some fun!!! 

Today's WOD:

A) Warm Up: EMOM for 5 min (using bar only):
     - 3 Thrusters
     - 3 OHS
B) METCON: Using a continuously running clock, run (2) 400 meter "sprints"..resting exactly 2 minutes after the second sprint...and after the last sprint...then complete:
    "The Air Force WOD" (20 min WOD cut off...this does not include the run time)
      - 20 Thrusters (95/65)
      - 20 SDHP
      - 20 Shoulder to Overhead
      - 20 Overhead Squats
      - 20 Front Squats
     ** 4 Burpees will be performed at the top of every minute **

 Yesterdays WOD:

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