Wednesday, May 21, 2014

WODIFY Update - Daily WOD's

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”  — Carl Jung
Looks like we are cooking with gas now!  About 75% of the Dig Deep family has logged into WODIFY now.  We need 100%, so please login soon.  We also started signing into the group classes and posting our scores today.  The more we use WODIFY, the more we will love it.  It is VERY interactive.  
We are not making it a requirement to schedule yourself for class...yet.  That will be a requirement soon.  The coaches NEED to see what size class they are dealing with so they can properly plan the warm up...and if necessary...change the wod.  
We will not be capping classes unless there is squatting from the rig.  We can ONLY put 12 people on the rig and still be SAFE.  So on these days, the class will be capped at 12 students. 
Daily WOD's
To encourage everyone to sign in and use WODIFY... WOD's will no longer be posted to the blog. 
Previous Day WOD's
I will continue to take pictures of the WOD's and posting to the BLOG...however...that will end soon as well.  WODIFY needs to be used by all the athletes to store and track their results. 
Todays WOD:

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