Friday, January 31, 2014

CLOSED SUNDAY - Paleo Challange

"The really unhappy person is the one who leaves undone what they can do" 
-Johann Von Goethe

CrossFit Dig Deep will be CLOSED on Super Bowl Sunday!!
Barbell Club will still meet at normal time

50 Day Paleo Challenge

Its that time!!!  Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will start this Saturday (tomorrow), February 1st....and go through March 22nd.  Yes.. I know...I know.....Sunday is the Super Bowl.  Well, I guess everyone has a choice to make.  "To cheat or not to cheat".  I wont give my opinion on that subject...that is a personal decision.

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Roxanne
B) Take 15 min to build to a heavy Snatch (for new members (hang power snatch)
    “Open WOD 13.1”
C) Completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
    40 Burpees
    75 pound Snatch, 30 reps (power is ok...but not advised if going RX)
    30 Burpees
    135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
    20 Burpees
    165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
    10 burpees
    210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Today's WOD:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Paleo Party - CrossFit Regional's Trip

"Winners compare their achievements against their own goals...while losers compare their achievements against other people" -Nido Quibein

No Paleo Party

Sorry folks....their wasn't enough interest in the party after all.  I spoke with a few members and between the weather, the Super Bowl, being out of town, etc...we will wait until Spring so we can resume our Jumpy Castle races and our meat burning on the grill for time.  

Regional s Road Trip

The "Central East" Regional CrossFit competition will be held May 16-18 in Columbus, Ohio.  Dig Deep is planning a road trip so we can go there to watch the top 60 men and top 60 women in our region compete for the honor of heading to the CrossFit Games on ESPN....and the chance of being labeled "The Fittest Man/Women On Earth".  More info to come...but set those dates aside.

I expect to have to leave early Thursday (15th) and be back late Monday (19th)..if you plan on attending all three days.  

We will find out the names of hotels in the area and publicize it here on the blog.  If anyone would like to head this field trip up (be the POC, find out the hotels, etc)... please let me know.  D. Mac

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Heavy mobility (15 min)
B. Take 15-minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk .(from the rig)
    Rest as needed
C. Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
   10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb)
   5 Burpees

Today's WOD:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tomorrows WOD

"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." -Yogi Bera

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Take 10 min to build a Heavy”ish” 1 rep deadlift.  No more than 4-5 reps in this 10 min period.  
B) 6 Rounds for time of: (30 min cap)
  12 deadlifts (245/165)
  16 Box Jumps (24/20)
  20 double unders (x3 singles)

Today's WOD:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Party or not?

"When the archer misses the mark, he turns and looks for the fault within himself. 
Failure to hit the bull's eye is never the fault of the target.
To improve your aim -- improve yourself.  -Gilbert Arland

Paleo Party 

Just after New Years, I was asked by many members to plan a Paleo Party so our newer members can experience GOOD food...that wont kill them. 

We have a party planned for Saturday, Feb 1st. 

We are 4 days away and only 3 people have signed up to bring a dish. If we dont show more interest by this Friday morning, we will cancel the party. 

I hate to do that, but the board is disappointing. 

D. Mac

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Two sets, not for time, of:
    Regional Box Jumps (x10-12 reps)
    Alternating Pistols (x8-10 each leg)
B. Three sets for max reps of:
    60 seconds Hand Release Push Ups
    Rest 2 minutes
C. Three rounds for time of:
    15 Hand release pushups
    15 Pull-Ups
    15 Handstand Push-Ups
    15 Sit Up

Monday, January 27, 2014

Paleo Party

"Happiness is a choice...that at times requires effort"

Just a reminder....only 52 more days until Spring!

Paleo Party this Saturday

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a Paleo party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, everyone will be bringing their favorite Paleo dish and share it with the rest of the Dig Deep family.  We have a lot of new members that have never tried anything Paleo.  Lets bring a best recipes and show them how good it is.

The white board has been turned into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing main dishes...deserts, etc

Bring chairs!!

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 30 minutes, complete (6) sets of:
    Clean (x1)
    Hang Clean (x1)
    Clean (x1)
    Front Squat (x2 reps)
    Jerk (Push or Split) (x1)
    Rest as needed between sets
B. “Open WOD 13.5”
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
    15 Thruster (100/65)
    15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

Todays WOD:

Sunday, January 26, 2014

CrossFit Open (part 2)

"One important key to success is self-confidence.  An important key to self-confidence is preparation."  -Author Ashe

Cole....getting his Turkish Get-Up on.....

CrossFit Open (Part 2)

Ok Dig Deep... we are getting closer and closer to the Open.  So far we have 10 members registered but I am hoping for a few more.

How will the WOD's work?  Starting Thursday, February 27th, CrossFit Headquarters will release a new WOD (see below for an example of how the WOD's are released).  The next day (Friday) we will program that WOD.  ALL the athletes that have signed up for the Open will complete the WOD at the 6:30pm class time.  We will call this FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!!  Each athlete will have their own judge and score sheet.

We would like to get as many Dig Deep members as possible to attend Friday Night Lights so you can scream, cheer, encourage and support our members that are laying it all on the line for these Open WOD's. 

Here is a video of how CrossFit announces each weeks WOD.  This is 13.1...the first WOD from 2013.

Tomorrows WOD: 

A. Five sets of:
    Front Squat (x1 rep)
    Set 1 – 70%
    Set 2 -  75%
    Set 3 – 80%
    Set 4 – 90%
    Set 5 – 95%
    Set 6 – 100+%
    Set 7 - 70% @ Max Reps
    Rest as needed
B. Teams of (3) complete as many reps as possible in 15 min of:
     Row 500 Meters 
    10 Overhead Lunges (45/25) (5 each leg)
    20 Box Jumps (24"/20")

Saturdays WOD:

Friday, January 24, 2014

"Always encourage and help other members, we are a family" - Friends and Family

"Our chief need is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we CAN be." 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Always Be Encouraging

Wanting to remind everyone of one of the biggest reasons we do CrossFit.  Family and Community!!!  When we finish our WOD...we don't walk off and socialize with others..we get up...turn around and encourage members still working....all the way to the LAST one.  We care about each other.  We all remember the times when we didn't think we could finish a hard WOD...but someone was there to encourage us...tell us not to quit and to "keep working".   Lets NEVER forget how important that encouragement made us feel....and ALWAYS remember to pass it on to others.  We ARE family!!

Friends and Family Day Tomorrow!!

Remember, tomorrow is friends and family day at the box...starting at 11:00.  Invite your friends to come see what it all about!!

Tomorrows WOD:

        A) Roxanne
        B) Take 15 min to build to a heavy Snatch (for new members (hang power snatch)
             “Open WOD 13.1”
        C) Completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
            40 Burpees
            75 pound Snatch, 30 reps (power is ok...but not advised if going RX)
            135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
             20 Burpees
            165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
            10 burpees
            210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

Dr Terry Wahl

"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results"

Dr Terry....

If you haven't seen this video, Dr Wahl is a Neurosurgeon, who acquired Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  This is her story of how she beat the fatal disease... by a healthy diet.  

Today's WOD:

A) 20 Minute Mobility Session
B) In 12 Min complete AMRAP
   1000m Row
   25 Wall Balls (20/14)
    50 Situps

Yesterday's WOD:

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

No 3:30 Class Tomorow - Overhead Squat

"Set your sights high....the higher the better...then expect them to happen and they will" 
 -Eileen Caddy

Our recent Fundamentals grads!!  Show them some love and LOTS of encouragement.  
We all remember how the first few weeks can be!  


Overhead Squat Form

Since we did Overhead Squats yesterday...the coaches have been doing some discussion on good form vs bad form.  Apparently me having you roll your shoulders forward to "lock out" the shoulder is an outdated school of thought.  Now, they teach you to simply square the shoulder off and press out.  See the link below for a good CrossFit Headquarters Training piece.

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Take 10 min to build to a med-heavy Clean and Jerk
     (Power Clean is ok)
     (rest as needed)
B. AMRAP in 5 min of:
     Power Snatch (x 10) (115/75)
     Box Jumps (x 20) (30"/24")
     (rest 5 min)
C. AMRAP in 5 min of:
     Push Press (x 15) (115/75)
     Toes to bar (x 15)
     (rest 5 min)
D. For Time:
     75 Double Unders (x2 singles)
     20 KB Swings (70/53)
     75 Double Unders (x2 singles)
     20 KB Swings (70/53)
Today's WOD:

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Paleo Party Update

"The world is so fast, that there are days when the person who says "it cant be done" interrupted by the person doing it" 

Hard to see...but this is how Dig Deep does a WOD in the dark...lights out version.
Did someone use the wrong light switch?

Paleo Kickoff Party (Update)

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a Paleo party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, we will all be bringing our favorite Paleo dish and sharing it with the rest of the Dig Deep family.

The white board has been turned into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing main dishes...deserts, etc

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 12 min complete 3 sets of:
   Halting Snatch Deadlift x 2 reps @ 8111 (8 seconds from floor to full extension - 1 second
   at the top..1 second down..1 second at the bottom)
   Rest 2 minutes between sets
B. Take 12 minutes to build to a med-heavy to heavy Snatch
C. Three sets each for time, of:
    Row 500 Meters
    20 Burpees over bar
    Rest 3-minutes

Todays WOD:

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tomorrows WOD

"You only get out of life what you put into it" -Ethel Merman

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Five sets of:
    Push Press (1.1.1) (from the floor...full clean into the front rack.  tap and go as much as
    possible between reps)
     (Build heavy as you go..keeping good form and full extension)
      Rest 2 minutes in between sets.  

B)  “Open WOD 13.3”
      Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
150 Wall balls (men..20lb to 10’ / women..14lb to 9’)
90 Double-unders (x1 singles)
            30 Muscle-ups

Todays WOD:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Junior Beasts - CrossFit Open Info (Part 1) - Paleo Party

"When you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don't have to be push.  The vision only pushes you" -Steve Jobs

"Junior Beasts"

Ok Mom's and Dads... we haven't forgotten about you.  We are buying the new kids equipment...preparing the kids WOD's...etc....but we also want to do this right..and we just aren't there yet.

As we were working on the details we realized that we we hear from you!  You are our customers and we need your feedback to make this program great for our kids.  We are holding a meeting on February 9th @ 2:00pm for any parent that is interested in having their children (ages 3-11) participate in our kids fitness program...PLEASE attend.

What should I expect from the CrossFit Open (Part 1)

More than 138,000 normal...everyday athletes participated in the 2013 CrossFit Open last year....there will undoubtedly be more this year.  This is a huge COMMUNITY event in the CrossFit world.

The first WOD will be released by CrossFit on Thursday, February 27th....the last WOD will be released 5 weeks later on Thursday, March 27th.  After each WOD is released, the athletes have until the following Monday @ 5:00pm PST to complete and post their scores to their personal CrossFit login site.

We will be accomplishing the WOD's as part of our normal programming, each Friday. Any athlete that is registered in the Open CAN accomplish the weekly WOD's as many times as they an attempt to get a better score.

More to come in Part 2.....

Paleo Kickoff Party

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a Paleo party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, we will all be bringing our favorite Paleo dish and sharing it with the rest of the Dig Deep family.

We will turn the white board into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing main dishes...deserts, etc

Also we will be bringing board games and having some fun with each other.  I don't think we will be able to afford a jumpy castle this time...beside...its a little chilly outside.

No alcohol this time...not even Nor Cal Margaritas.  Bring your we can get our grub on and then sit around and have some fun. 

Date/time:  February 1st... 5:30 at the box.  Dig Deep will supply water, plates, utensils, tables, etc.

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Overhead Squat
    Set 1 - 5 reps @ 50 - 60% of 1 RM
    Set 2 - 3 reps @ 65 - 75% of 1 RM
    Set 3 - 2 reps @ 80 - 90% of 1 RM
    Set 4 - 1 rep @ 95 - 105% of 1 RM
    Set 5 - 1 rep @ 95 - 105% of 1 RM
     *Rest 90 seconds between sets.  
     * New members (60 days or less) will work on proper form first, with no more than 
        (45/35) in weight.  Trainer can increase that amount as athlete qualifies with form.
B)  AMRAP in 12 min of:
    5 Overhead Squats (from the floor) (135/95)
    10 Wall balls (20/14)
    20 Double unders (x 3 singles)
    40 Sit ups

Saturdays WOD:

Friday, January 17, 2014

Burpees - Open Gym - CrossFit Gear

"The key is to keep company with people who uplift you...whose presence calls out your best!" 

Why are we doing so many Burpees??

No.. no one has asked yet, but before they do. I thought I would let you know whats going on.  For the last 3 years of Open competition, "Burpees" have been part of a WOD.  They are, like it or not, a basic, functional and great overall body move.  So...since CF thinks they are so good that they put them in the 2011, 2012 and 2013 Open.... I think we need to get plenty of practice in.

I have noticed a significant number of people doing their burpees with a more difficult jump than necessary.  When you do a burpees and jump with a very narrow stance, it put pressure on your toes and that means you thighs will get A LOT of abuse and burn out quickly as well as stress your lower back.  However, if you jump from the floor with a stance wider than your hands...almost wide squat stance, it will lower the stress on your lower back AND work your glutes and quads.  You will notice that it is easier and more efficient.

See the below video on how to be more efficient in your burpees.

What is Open Gym??

 I was approached by a newer member today and asked to explain "Open Gym".  Good question! coaches, we take for granted the more common phrases we use in CF...this is one of them.

Open Gym at Dig Deep is anytime a formal class is not in session.  We are open from 6:00am - if there is NOT a class in session, then that free time is considered "Open Gym".

Who can attend Open Gym?  Not everyone!!  Open Gym is a privilege that is reserved for UNLIMITED members only!  It allows them extra time to come additional work...get advice from trainers and get stronger faster.

One the Sunday, 1pm - 4pm Gym Time.  ANY member can attend this session regardless of their membership level.

For Sale Cross Fit Gear!

We have 5 Rougue Speed Ropes... $25.00

4 AB Mats .... $35.00

Dig Deep Hoodies... $50.00

Tomorrows WOD:

“OPEN WOD 13.4”
A) Take 15 minutes to complete the following: (athlete can go at own pace)
    - 3 sets of 3 rep full cleans @ no more than 75% of 1 RM clean  
    - 3 sets of 5 - 10 Toes to bar
B) Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
    3 Clean and jerks (135/95)
    3 Toes-to-bar
    6 Clean and jerk (135/95)
    6 Toes-to-bar
    9 Clean and jerk (135/95)
    9 Toes-to-bar
    12 Clean and jerk (135/95)
    12 Toes-to-bar
           15 Cleans & Jerk...etc..etc…
    This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 15, go on to 18.

Todays WOD:

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hoodies...Jump Ropes and AB Mats are here!!

"It is NOT a successful climb, unless you enjoy the journey" -Dan Benson

New Merchandise for Sale:

I was asked to order more well as AB Mats and Jump Ropes.  I have them ALL in stock.  Come get them while they last.  This WILL BE THE LAST Hoodie order we place for this year!!

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 20 min complete the following, DeadLift

   1. 5 reps

   2. 3 reps
   3. 1 rep
   4. 5 reps
   5. 3 reps
   6. 1 rep
   7. 5 reps
   8. 3 reps
   9. 1 rep
   Rest as needed between sets. Go heavy as good form dictates here and have fun!
B. Complete five sets each for time of: (15 min time cap)
   5 Toes to Bar
   15 Burpees
   25 Double-Unders (x3 singles)

Todays WOD: