Wednesday, January 15, 2014

CrossFit OPEN is HERE!! - Paleo Kick-off Party

"DISCIPLINE is the refining fire by which "talent" become "ability"! -Roy Smith
Dig Deep....Wow!!!  First, I apologize for putting you all in danger of getting sick.  I did not realize I was that bad.  I rarely get ill...and when I do, its a good one.  When I went to the clinic on Monday, the doc said I was in no condition to take care of myself and wanted to admit me to Baptist....but I talked her out of it by explaining my mother was a retired RN and waiting for me in the lobby.  I truly appreciate all the well wishes I received from you was nice know I was missed at the box.  I am all good now...the break from the box was...well...needed I think.  My head is clear and ready to get back to work. 
CrossFit Open is HERE

Ok Dig Deep.. the open is here...  go to and sign up.  Be sure to select "CrossFit Dig Deep" as you affiliate. 

As I mentioned earlier... I would like to see as many people as possible register.  Below is a snap shot of last years 5 weeks of wods.  Are there "some" things that you might not be able to do...yea...maybe...but this was last year and why should that stop you from trying??  It's not about "making the Games"...its about being better and stronger than you were yesterday...pushing your boundaries...competing in life....and having FUN with your life!!!  Don't live your life wondering "what if"??  

Week 1... 40 Burpees and 30 Snatches @ 75lbs
Week 2... 115lb Shoulder to Overhead(press...push press.. snatch...whatever), 115lb deadlift and box
Week 3... Wallballs 
Week 4... Clean and Jerk (135lb) and Toes To Bar)
Week 5... Thrusters (100lb) and Chest to Bar Pullups

Week 1... 40 Burpees and 30 Snatches @ 45lbs
Week 2... 75lb Shoulder to Overhead(press...push press.. snatch...whatever), 75lb deadlift and box
Week 3... Wallballs
Week 4... Clean and Jerk (95lb) and Toes To Bar)
Week 5... Thrusters (65lb) and Chest to Bar Pullups
We will start doing the Open WODs from last year (2013) soon, so we can be ready for the 2014 season.  Regardless if you sign up or not, we will be doing the Open WODs here at the box, so why not participate and have fun. 

As I mentioned above, all the WOD's will be done at Dig Deep and judged by your coaches.  If you wish to be a judge, you will need to take the "Judges Course" on line and bring the completion certificate to me (D. Mac).

More info to come....BUT....I want everyone to get prepared...we need as much participation as possible.  This is such a BLAST!!

Paleo Kickoff Party

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, we will all bring our Paleo dish and share it with the rest of the family.  We will tunr the white board into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing. 

Also we will be bringing board games and having some fun with each other.  I dont think we will be able to afford a jumpy castle this time...beside...its a little chilly outside. 

No alcohol this time...not even Nor Cal Margaritas.  Bring your we can get our grub on and then sit around and have some fun. 

Date/time:  February 1st... 5:30 at the box.  We will supply water, plates and utensils.

Tomorrow WOD:

A. Five sets of:
     Power Clean x 1.1.1 (minimal rest between reps)
     Rest 2 minutes between sets
B. 100 reps for time, of: (as soon as you reach 100 reps your time stops)
     1-minute Row for Calories
     2-minute Squat Clean (155/105 lbs.)
     3-minute Wall Balls (20/14 lbs. ALL to 10 ft.)
     Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs

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