Monday, January 27, 2014

Paleo Party

"Happiness is a choice...that at times requires effort"

Just a reminder....only 52 more days until Spring!

Paleo Party this Saturday

Dig Deep... Our 50 Day Paleo Challenge will kick off with a Paleo party on 1 February with a party at the box.  Like last time, everyone will be bringing their favorite Paleo dish and share it with the rest of the Dig Deep family.  We have a lot of new members that have never tried anything Paleo.  Lets bring a best recipes and show them how good it is.

The white board has been turned into a large menu soon so everyone can sign up for what they will be bringing...that way we don't have too many of one thing main dishes...deserts, etc

Bring chairs!!

Tomorrows WOD:

A. In 30 minutes, complete (6) sets of:
    Clean (x1)
    Hang Clean (x1)
    Clean (x1)
    Front Squat (x2 reps)
    Jerk (Push or Split) (x1)
    Rest as needed between sets
B. “Open WOD 13.5”
    Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
    15 Thruster (100/65)
    15 Chest to bar Pull-ups

Todays WOD:

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