Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Paleo Party - CrossFit Regional's Trip

"Winners compare their achievements against their own goals...while losers compare their achievements against other people" -Nido Quibein

No Paleo Party

Sorry folks....their wasn't enough interest in the party after all.  I spoke with a few members and between the weather, the Super Bowl, being out of town, etc...we will wait until Spring so we can resume our Jumpy Castle races and our meat burning on the grill for time.  

Regional s Road Trip

The "Central East" Regional CrossFit competition will be held May 16-18 in Columbus, Ohio.  Dig Deep is planning a road trip so we can go there to watch the top 60 men and top 60 women in our region compete for the honor of heading to the CrossFit Games on ESPN....and the chance of being labeled "The Fittest Man/Women On Earth".  More info to come...but set those dates aside.

I expect to have to leave early Thursday (15th) and be back late Monday (19th)..if you plan on attending all three days.  

We will find out the names of hotels in the area and publicize it here on the blog.  If anyone would like to head this field trip up (be the POC, find out the hotels, etc)... please let me know.  D. Mac

Tomorrows WOD:

A. Heavy mobility (15 min)
B. Take 15-minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk .(from the rig)
    Rest as needed
C. Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
   10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb)
   5 Burpees

Today's WOD:

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