Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas WOD - Rig Moving-Box Clean Up - New Price Structure & Class Times

"The first requirement for success is the ability to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly...without growing weary."  -Thomas Edison

Christmas WOD:

FYI... This Saturday we will be having our Christmas WOD... "The 12 Days Of Christmas".  I hope everyone tries to make it for the fun! 

Rig Moving and Box Cleanup

Sunday, Dec 29th we have a "Box Activity" and we need at least a dozen folks...if not help. The box will not be open for Open Gym that day...instead, we will clean 100% of the box. 

We were previously going to relocate the rig...but have decided to postpone that until spring/summer and spend that $$$ on rowers so we can get a better cardio workout. 

The coaches and I cant do this alone...we NEED everyone's help.  We will supply all the cleaning just supply the elbow grease.  Come as much as little as possible.  Any help you can provide is appreciated. 

New Prices Structure and Class Time
I am excited that many of our members are taking advantage of the new pricing structure to save money.  I hope more will be able to make it happen.

Starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free.  This is a great opportunity to save $$.   
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership

Class Times:
Effective 1 January....
Monday - Friday will be 5:00am (Mon & Wed only), 6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Mobility....
B) 5 Rounds for time of:
     10 Deadlifts (225/155)
     10 Box Jumps (24/20)
     10 T2B
     (15 Min Time Cap)


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