Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Winter Storm Schedule - Dig Deep 2014

"Real doing the right thing...knowing that no one will ever know that you did it"
Winter Storm Schedule
I'm sure by now, everyone knows that a potentially bad winter storm is coming Thursday through (possibly) Sunday...and everyone is wondering "what's the plan for the box".  Dig Deep will be OPEN as long I can make it to the box.  How will you know if it is open?  I will post a simple message to this blog saying "The Box Is Open".  If I cant make it in...there will be no such message.  If I am able to open, the box will remain open the entire day and class schedule will be as always.  If I get stuck at the box, I have AMPLE supply of non-perishable foods and water/adult beverages.  :-) 

Fundamentals students will be notified separately. 
Dig Deep 2014
Wow...has it been 6 months since we opened already?  Well, it has been 5 months and 4 days.  I am very proud of our athletes, the progress you have all made AND the goals that you have set for yourself.  Trying and then joining CrossFit is a BIG step.  It is very intimidating...more so for some than for others...but never the less...intimidating.  We have learned that CrossFit IS a community...we are family....and we support each other. 
As we grow...and yes, we are growing...we need to change.  As my mother always told me, the only constant in life is change.  Below is the tentative list (not inclusive) of things you can expect to see next year:
- The rig is being relocated
- Wall Ball targets added to the rig
- Muscle Up rings will hang from the rig, not the ceiling
- CrossFit Kids (Kids Fit) will start NLT Feb 1.  Classes will be held twice a day.  Mornings and afternoons
- Class times will change.  We will cancel the 5:00 am class.  I hate to do this, but the very low attendance makes it hard to justify.  However, due to large classes in the afternoon, we will be adding a class there.  The new afternoon classes will be 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 & 6:30. 
- Barbell Club.  Starting at some point in the first quarter (most likely after the Open), we will start a "Barbell Club".  This club will be limited in size (10 members) and will most likely last 8 weeks in length...meeting for 2 hours on Sunday.  More to come on this. 
- New Pricing Plan will take effect.  For every 5 months that you pay ahead on your membership, you will get the 6th month for free. 
- Lastly...and this is down the road.  As we gain members, we HOPE to move into a larger facility OR possibly expand to include the space next to us.  If this should happen, we will have an Olympic lifting area, showers and an area for gymnastics. 

Tomorrows WOD:

A) Front Squat
     Set 1 - 5 reps at 70-75%
     Set 2 - 3 reps at 80-85%
     Set 3 - 1 rep @ 90-95%
     Set 4 - 1 rep @ 100-105%
     Set 5-7  3 reps @ 85%
B) Male:
     12-9-6 rep rounds for time of:
     185lb Front Squat
     Muscle Up

     9-7-5 rep rounds for time of:
     125lb Front Squat
     Muscle Up


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