Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Gift Certificates - Pound for Pound Challange (CFM)

"To get rich, NEVER risk your health.  It's true that health is the wealth of wealth" -Richard Baker
Gift Certificates
Dig Deep has Christmas Gift Certificates!!  These would make a great gift for someone that you are know would LOVE CrossFit...but they keep making excuses.  They come in ANY denomination you wish.  Just stop by the box and see Dennis to purchase one for that friend or relative. 
Pound for Pound Challenge (CFM)
Don't forget about the Pound for Pound Challenge at CrossFit Murray on Friday, December 13th.  All local athletes are incited to put their numbers up and see how they compare as CFM raises money for Barbells for Boobs. Each athlete that competes will weigh in and then will have 15 minutes to establish a one rep max snatch followed by 15 minutes to establish a one rep max clean and jerk. The Pound for Pound Lifting Challenge will be won by the athlete who lifts the greatest percentage of their body weight.
Tomorrows WOD:
A) 3 sets. not for time of:
     Handstand Push Ups (8-10)
     Muscle Ups (3-6) (Ring Dips 9-12)
     Kettle Bell Snatches (8-10 rep's each shoulder)
B)  6 Sets of Hang Clean + Power Clean + Jerk
      (All to be performed from mid thigh starting position)
      Rest 2 min between sets
C)  Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 8 min of:
      10 Kettle Bell Swings (70/53)
      10 Pull ups


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