Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Girls Night Out Reminder - New Price Structure and Class Times - Christmas Party

"The safest principle in life: instead of reforming others, set about perfecting yourself" -B R Haydon
Girls Night Out Reminder
Remember, the "GNO" get together that was scheduled for the past Saturday, we moved to this coming Saturday.  Ashlee will be contacting everyone that originally reserved a spot, to ensure they are going this week.  The early evening schedule is as follows:
- 4:30 meeting at the box @ 4:30pm to primp and get hair and makeup done by Casey Looper. 
- 5:45 leave the box via van pool and go to Glisson's winery down town. 
- 7:00 we have dinner reservations at Martin Fierro
- After dinner....there is no telling where we will go.  At some point, we will end up back at the box.  Everyone needs to have a plan to sleep at the box or call for a ride home.  NO ONE will be driving after drinking!!

New Prices Structure and Class Time
No... we are not raising our prices...although...as we expand and grow into the BEST CF box in a 250 mile radius, I see that as a necessary evil.  For now...starting in January, (lots of changes in January), we will institute a "pay ahead" pricing option.  For every 5 months you pay in advance, you get 1 month for free.  This is a great opportunity to save $$.   
5 months paid = 6 months of membership
10 months paid ahead = 12 months of membership
15 months paid ahead = 18 months of membership
20 months paid ahead = 24 months of membership

Class Times:
Effective 1 January....
Monday - Friday will be 6:00am, 8:30am, 12:00, 3:30pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm & 6:30pm

Christmas Party Reminder!!

Remember...our box party is this Sunday!!  I hope everyone is getting excited!  Our reservations are for 7:30pm on the "Bills" side....and the below members are a part of that reservation.

D. Mac (1)
Katie H (1)
Casey L (1)
Holly T (1)
Leighn Ann G (1)
Heather (1)
Morgan B (1)
Ashlee J (2)
Casey S (5)
Danni (1)
Kelly L ((1)
Jacob W (1)
Melissa L (2)
Marissa O (1)
Brandy K (2)
Jacob H (1)
Greg P (4)
Ashlee K (4)
Stephanie L (3)
Jason B (2

We have (4) open seats left if anyone would like to fill those.  Please let me know ASAP.  First come...  D. Mac

Tomorrow's WOD:

A)  Max reps in 1 set of each of:
      - Strict handstand push ups (RX, AB mat or box)
      - Weighted Pull Up (weighted belt, no belt or band) (no kipping) (underhand or overhand)
      - 60 Seconds of Double Unders
B)  6 sets of:
      Power Clean + Push Jerk
C)  3 Sets for time of:
      15 burpees over pirolette
      100 double Unders (x2 singles)
       (rest 2 minutes)

Today's WOD:


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